Issue - meetings

Review of Taxi Fares

Meeting: 03/11/2022 - Licensing Committee (Item 3)

3 Proposed Changes to the Table of Metered Fares for Hackney Carriages pdf icon PDF 125 KB

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Consideration was given to a request from the trade for an increase in the metered fares for Hackney Carriages operating in the High Peak.  Following discussion it was proposed that both tariffs increase by £0.50.




1.     That approval be given to the proposed variation of the Table of metered fares charged by Hackney Carriages, tariff 1 to increase by £0.50 and tariff 2 to increase by £1.00.


2.     That the Head of Environmental Health be authorised to advertise the proposed fee increases in line with the procedure set out in Section 65 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976. An advertisement would be placed in the Local Paper and a copy would be displayed at the Council Offices.


3.     That the approved Table of fares be recommended to the Executive Councillor for approval, after the 14 day consultation period.