10 Corporate Debt Recovery Policy PDF 756 KB
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The Committee considered a report which presented the Corporate Debt Recovery Policy, which brings together all income streams where the Council is responsible for collecting and recovering debt, and applies to the collection of Council Tax, No Domestic Rates, Sundry Debts and Housing Benefit. The proposed policy provides a framework for maximising income collection and ensure that recovery action complies with legislation and best practice.
The Council is also seeking to sign up to the Citizens Advice Bureau Council Tax protocol, which means that HPBC, Enforcement Agents and advice agencies can help taxpayers pay their Council Tax bills while accessing debt advice when needed. It was agreed that it would be recommended that this be a firm commitment by the Council.
Data collection around vulnerability was discussed, with members being advised that efforts are ongoing to identify vulnerable people, and individuals are encouraged to contact the council as soon as possible.
It was suggested that greater flexibility around direct debit dates would be useful, which would be investigated, although it was noted that requests for additional dates had not been received.
1. That the Executive be recommended to approve the implementation of the Corporate Debt Policy; and
2. That the Executive be recommended to support the Council signing up to the Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) Council Tax Protocol as set out at paragraph 3.11 of the report.