29 Second Quarter Finance, Procurement and Performance Report PDF 418 KB
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The Committee considered a report which provided information around the Council’s overall performance and financial position for the period ended 30th September (“Second Quarter 2023/24”). Detailed analysis was provided in the appendices to the report and the position was summarised at paragraph 3.3 of the report.
Members were advised that, through the development of the medium term financial plan, inflationary pressures were emerging including within the HRA in respect of capital and the housing repairs function delivered by Alliance Norse, which would be monitored and built into the upcoming budget and MTFP.
In response to a query regarding the effect of the council tax support scheme on collection rates, members were advised that a full evaluation was yet to be done but there had been a significant reduction in the numbers of enquiries and questions with positive feedback. Regarding business rates, improvements had been made in collection rates in recent months and the team are pro-active in inviting eligible businesses to apply for discounts.
Reference was made to allocations for works to Fairfield Roundabout and Buxton Pool energy efficiency measures, members were advised that the final works are still to be completed for the roundabout, and the allocation for Buxton Pool is for the element of the new heating system not covered by grant funding. Increased AES horticulture costs is a result of the effect of a greater than budgeted pay award.
Other matters discussed included the letting of units within The Springs, leisure use feedback, the Council’s complaints process and the accelerated housing delivery programme in respect of Granby Road.
1. That the Second Quarter 2023/24 financial, procurement and performance position detailed in Appendices A, B and C and summarised at 3.3 of the covering report be noted;
2. That the Executive be recommended to approve the write-offs as set out in Appendix in part 2 of the agenda.