8 Strengthening the Relationships with Town and Parish Councils PDF 660 KB
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The Panel gave consideration to a report which set out the options and process to strengthen the relationships with town and parish councils in line with the priority action agreed in the Corporate Plan.
The Council had committed in the new Corporate Plan to strengthen the relationships with town and parish councils. The terms of reference and the process for this review needed to be developed. The information would be shared with the Parish Assembly with the view to establishing a working group of members of this Panel and the Parish Assembly to work up a proposal for the consideration by Cabinet.
Members welcomed the report and commented positively on the proposals to strengthen relationships with town and parish councils.
The Panel debated the importance of communication, accessibility of the minutes from meetings of the Parish Assembly, regeneration of villages as well as towns, connection with voluntary groups, the membership of the working group and the potential budget for the Small Regeneration Project Grants.
Members made suggestions which included consultation with all parish councillors, a planning training session (guide of planning reasons/consultation responses) and highlighted the importance of engagement with parish clerks.
The Panel:
1) Considered the potential options / actions included in the report to strengthen the relationships with town and parish councils and identified the preferred way forward;
2) Recommended that the Parish Assembly be consulted to establish a shared approach;
3) Recommended the establishment of a working group of members of this Panel and the Parish Assembly to work up a proposal for the consideration by Cabinet.