Issue - meetings

Alliance Environmental Services (Phase 3)

Meeting: 04/12/2018 - Cabinet (Item 32)

Alliance Environmental Services (AES) - Phase 3 - Transfer of Services - Street Cleansing & Grounds Maintenance


The Cabinet approved a report that considered the service specification for the services to be transferred to Alliance Environmental Service (AES) in the third phase, ensuring that future service delivery met the requirements of the Council.


Meeting: 21/11/2018 - Service Delivery Overview & Scrutiny Panel (Item 33)

33 Alliance Environmental Services (AES) - Phase 3 - Transfer of Services - Street Cleansing & Grounds Maintenance. (7.30pm) pdf icon PDF 129 KB


The Panel received a report which considered the service specification for the services to be transferred to Alliance Environmental Service (AES) in the third phase, to ensure that future service delivery met the requirements of the Council.


The services included in this phase  were set out in more detail in a presentation delivered by Martin Sollis, Operations Manager - Direct Services. The presentation covered the following topics:-


·         Services currently provided by the Council

·         Services which AES would provide and deliver

·         Services which would remain with the Council

·         Service standards and policies

·         Performance monitoring

·         The process for future changes to the service

·         Summary



Councillors from the Biddulph area hoped that the level of service  would improve following the transfer to AES as it was felt that the street cleansing and the maintenance of plants was unsatisfactory. It was also reported that there were issues with the cleanliness of the streets in Cheadle and that the street furniture was in need of repair. Both towns had volunteer groups which maintained the town centres. The Officers advised that weed control and maintenance of railings were the responsibility of the County Council and that the District Council did not have any additional resource available. However, the points of view were noted and the Street Cleansing Team would look at these areas.


Questions were raised in relation to time periods for change, how requests for service would be made and co-ordination of litter picking and cutting of grass verges. It was confirmed that reasonable notice would be required for any changes to the contract, each service would have a contact officer and AES would attend a meeting of this Panel each year to enable performance to be monitored. There had been discussions with the County Council and co-ordinated activities had now taken place.


Councillor Atkins requested clarification around the upkeep of the bowling green at Brough Park. It was explained that this was not included in the AES contract and that separate discussions would take place with Parkwood Leisure. 


DECIDED: The Panel supported the development of the new operating arrangements and service specifications to be transferred in Phase 3 – Transfer of Service – Street Cleansing and Grounds Maintenance.