Agenda and minutes

The Executive - Thursday, 13th February, 2020 6.00 pm

Venue: The Board Room, Pavilion Gardens, Buxton

Contact: Linden Vernon Email: or Tel: 01538 395613 

No. Item


Declarations of Interest


Disclosable Pecuniary Interests


Other Interests



Cllr Greenhalgh declared an “other” interest in item 5 2020/21 Budget & Medium Term Financial Plan 2020/21 to 2023/24 – employer receives a grant from the Council.


To approve the minutes of the previous meeting pdf icon PDF 133 KB




That the minutes of the meeting of the Executive held on 4 December 2019 be approved as a correct record.


Third Quarter Financial, Procurement and Performance 2019/20 pdf icon PDF 103 KB

Additional documents:


The purpose of this report is to inform members of the Council’s overall performance and financial position for the period ended 31st December (“Third Quarter 2019/20”).  The report was considered by the Corporate Select Committee on 10 February.  The position was summarised as follows:





The headlines for the third quarter were:

Performance against Budget

·        At the quarter three stage the General Fund provisional outturn for 2019/20 was a forecast surplus of £109,710.

Efficiency Programme

·        The 2019/20 general fund efficiency target of £714,000 (General Fund) had already been exceeded with £900,000 of savings achieved to date. 

Housing Revenue Account

·        The Housing Revenue Account was forecast at the Quarter 3 stage to be in surplus (against budget) by £2,028,680.

Capital Programme

·        The General Fund Capital Programme budget for 2019/20 as revised was £7.99 million. The outturn was anticipated to be £2.67 million underspent at the Q3 stage.

·        The HRA Programme for 2019/20 as revised was £4.41 million. At the Quarter 3 stage the outturn was expected to be £2.70 million which represents a £1.71 million underspend.

Treasury Management

·        Cash investments held at 31st December 2019 totalled £29.2 million.

·        Council borrowing at 31st December 2019 totalled £66.8 million.

·        The Council’s net interest general fund budget was forecast to be in surplus by £55,640 with a £47,740 surplus on the HRA

Revenue Collection

·        84.63% of Council Tax was collected by 31st December 2019, compared to 84.86% for the same period last year.

·        82.89% of Business Rates was collected by 31st December 2019 compared with 83.15% for the same period last year.

·        At the end of Quarter 3 the value of sundry debt over 60 days old was £152,220 which compares to £171,070 at 31st December 2018


The headlines for the third quarter were:

·        19 procurement activities were completed

·        The Procurement forward plan includes 83 procurement activities for completion/start in 2019/20 (either HPBC only or joint)

·        At the 31st December 2019, 63% of procurement activity undertaken was on the forward plan and the Council paid 97% of its invoices within 30 days

·        The Council’s procurement rules have been updated to reflect the updated EU procurement thresholds


The headlines for the Third Quarter were:

·         64% of the key performance indicators were on track , with 43% performing better than last year

·         The Council received 102 complaints, 240 comments and 91 compliments in the  third Quarter. Repeat complaints and response times both on track



Options considered:


Detailed analysis was contained within the appendices.




1.    That the Third Quarter 2019/20 financial, procurement and performance position detailed in Appendices A, B and C and summarised at 3.3 of the covering report be noted.


2.    That the update to the Council’s procurement rules as a result of the revised EU procurement thresholds be noted.



2020/21 Budget & Medium Term Financial Plan 2020/21 to 2023/24 pdf icon PDF 100 KB

Additional documents:


The purpose of the report is to present the proposed Budget for 2020/21, updated Medium-Term Financial Plan 2020/21 – 2023/24, Capital Strategy 2020/21, proposed Fees and Charges for 2020/21 and Procurement Forward Plan 2020/21.


A realignment of car park tariffs, in order that they were more closely matched across the borough, was originally proposed to include the Wye Street car park in this realignment, however, this proposal was removed prior to consideration of the budget proposals at the Corporate Select Committee on the 10th February 2020.


Options considered:


There were no options to consider at this stage.




That the following recommendations be made to Council:


1.            Approves the General Fund Budget for 2020/21 as detailed in Appendix A (section 8)


2.            Approves the revised Medium-Term Financial Plan (2020/21 to 2023/24) as detailed in Appendix A, including the revised Capital Programme (attached at Annex A)


3.            Approves the Capital Strategy 2020/21 as set out in Appendix B


4.            Approves the update Housing Revenue Account Business Plan Forecast as detailed in Appendix C


5.            Approves the proposed Fees and Charges for 2020/21 as detailed in Appendix D


6.            Approves the proposed Procurement Forward Plan for 2020/21, providing the authority to procure based on procurement activity detailed in Appendix E


7.            A Band D Council Tax of £195.40 for 2020/21 (an increase of 1.9% from 2019/20)


8.            HRA charges as follows:


·         Dwellings rents to increase by an average of 2.7% from £69.40 to £71.45 average per week (average rent takes into account new tenancies where formula rent is charged)

·         Garage rents to be increased by 5% from £6.79 to £7.13 average per week

·         Other Charges including service charges to increase by a maximum of 5% for current tenants

·         Fuel charges at individual blocks have been reviewed and the 2020/21 charge is based on the 2019/20 estimated costs and 2018/19 actual fuel usage/prices, charged on an individual scheme basis.


9.            Notes the Chief Finance Officer's view that the level of reserves are adequate for the Council based on this budget and the circumstances in place at the time of preparing it (Appendix A Annex E)



New Performance Framework pdf icon PDF 83 KB

Additional documents:


The purpose of this report was to provide members with an opportunity to scrutinise the draft Performance Framework and associated targets for 2020/21, and to share the findings from the recent online consultation which sought feedback from a range of stakeholders on the council’s new corporate plan priorities for 2019-2023.  The report was considered by the Corporate Select Committee on 10 February 2020.


Options considered:


Members were asked to consider the proposed targets and to make amendments if they consider that they were necessary. A Performance Framework Sub Committee took place on 3rd February to take a more focused look at the proposed targets and made changes to the draft targets.




That the Performance Framework 202020/23 be approved. 


Recommendations from the Single Use Plastic Working Group pdf icon PDF 83 KB

Additional documents:


The report provided the Executive with an overview of the work of the Single Use Plastic Working Group (SUPWG) and its recommendations.  The report was considered by the Community Select Committee on 5 February 2020. It was proposed that the Council should aim to determine the feasibility of developing a certification for local businesses who swap packaging and reduce their reliance on single use plastics by August 2020.


Options considered:


There were two options available to the Committee:


1.    To propose that the Executive approve the recommendations as detailed at 2.1 of the report demonstrating the Council’s commitment to this important issue. (Recommended)


2.    To do nothing. This could be reputationally damaging for the Council in light of its plans to declare a climate change emergency.  (not recommended)




1.    That the Single Use Plastics Policy for HPBC (as provided at Appendix 2 to the report) be adopted.


2.    That the development of awareness campaigns with partners to encourage employees, residents, schools and businesses to reduce their reliance on single use plastics and the Council’s continued participation in national campaigns be supported.


3.    That the feasibility of developing a certification for local businesses who swap packaging and reduce their reliance on single use plastics be explored and determined.


Use of Inflatables on Council Owned Land pdf icon PDF 115 KB

Additional documents:


The report provided the Executive with an understanding of  guidance and legislation associated with the use of inflatables along with potential risk of their use.  The report was considered by the Community Select Committee on February 2020.


Options considered:


There were four options available to the Council in regards to the use of inflatables. This included:


1.    A total ban of the use of inflatables within councils buildings and on council land (not recommended).

2.    Permit the use of inflatables in both council buildings and on our land (not recommended).

3.    Introduce a partial ban on inflatables permitting their use indoors (where use can be more rigorously controlled) or where the council has a let concessions contract and can therefore monitor the operator closely. They would not be permitted for use outdoors at events arranged by third parties when held on our land (recommended). 

4.    Do nothing – Inflatables use continues to be permitted, the council does not modify the event booking process meaning we will be unaware when inflatables are to be used thus preventing us from being able to provide event organisers with guidance (not recommended).




That the use of inflatables be banned from use on council land when provided at events run by third parties.



Dog Control Orders pdf icon PDF 84 KB

Additional documents:


The report explained that High Peak was covered by two Orders which make it an offence if a person in charge of a dog at the relevant time does not:


·         remove dog faeces forthwith if the dog defecates;

·         put and keep a dog on a lead if required to do so by a Council Officer to prevent the dog causing annoyance or disturbance to any other person or the worrying or disturbance of any animal or bird.


The Orders would cease to have effect on 20th October 2020 and thus needed to be extended or replaced if the Council wished to continue to have the power to take action in respect of dog fouling and nuisance behaviour.  The report was considered by the Community Select Committee on 5 February 2020.


Options considered:


The Council could choose to extend the current Orders. However, this would not provide an opportunity to (i) address the issue of failure of those under the age of 16 to remove faeces, or (ii) make it an offence for a suspected offender to fail to provide an Authorised officer with their correct name and address.


Alternatively, the Council could choose to not replace the current Orders when they expire and no longer take enforcement action in respect of dog fouling.




1.    That public consultation be conducted the draft Order appended to the report be agreed.


2.    That the draft Order be subsequently approved by Individual Executive Decision, unless the responses from the consultation necessitate material changes to the draft Order.


3.    That, in the event of a new order being approved prior to 20th October 2020, formal notice of discharge of the existing Orders should be published simultaneously with the introduction of the replacement Order.



Business Rates Relief Policy and Council Tax Discount Policy pdf icon PDF 124 KB

Additional documents:


The purpose of the report was to review and update the Business Rate Reliefs Policy and formally present the Council Tax Reductions and Levies Policy.  The report was considered by the Corporate Select Committee on 10 February 2020.


Options considered:


No options in regard to mandatory reliefs and discounts were available as these were set by Government. However, where Government allows Authorities to make discretionary decisions in respect of the amount of Business Rates and Council Tax due, Members needed to consider the proposals.




1.    That the updated Business Rates Reliefs Policy be approved.


2.    That the Council Tax Reductions and Levies Policy be approved.



To resolve that the public and press be excluded from the meeting for the following items because there may be disclosure to them of exempt information as defined in Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972.




That the public and press be excluded from the meeting for the following items because there may be disclosure to them of exempt information as defined in Part I of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972.



To approve the exempt minutes of the previous meeting




That the exempt minutes of the meeting of the Executive held on 4 December 2019 be approved as a correct record.



Homes England Housing Infrastructure Fund - Pre-Draw Down Conditions and Project Risks


The reason for the report was to inform Members of the Homes England (HE) Pre-Draw Down Grant Conditions’ that were attached to the grant award under the Housing Infrastructure Fund (HIF) and outline the risk attached to each condition and the overall project.  The grant was awarded by HE to enable the construction of the Fairfield roundabout, which was essential for unlocking several allocated housing sites and contributing to the delivery of the Council’s five year housing supply.