Venue: Pavilion Gardens, Buxton
Contact: Linden Vernon Email: or Tel: 01538 395613
No. | Item | ||||||||||||
Declarations of Interest
Minutes: There were no declarations made. |
To approve the minutes of the previous meeting PDF 339 KB Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the minutes of the meeting of the Executive held on 3 August 2021 be approved as a correct record.
First Quarter Financial, Procurement & Performance Review 2021/22 PDF 414 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The purpose of the report was to inform members of the Council’s overall performance and financial position for the period ended 30th June (“First Quarter 2021/22”) The report was considered by the Corporate Select Committee on 27 September 2021. The position can be summarised as follows:
Options considered:
Detailed Analysis was contained within the appendices to the report.
That the First Quarter 2021/22 financial, procurement and performance position detailed in Appendices A, B and C and summarised at 3.3 of the covering report be noted.
Medium Term Financial Plan Refresh PDF 456 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The purpose of the report was to update members on the Medium Term Financial Plan (MTFP), in preparation for considering the budget (and associated council tax and rent levels) in February 2022. The report was considered by the Corporate Select Committee on 27 September 2021.
Options considered:
Detailed Analysis was contained within the main body of the report.
That the updates proposed to the Medium Term Financial Plan set in February 2022, including further proposed actions and further areas identified be noted. |
Minutes: The purpose of the report was to:
· Provide an update on work taking place with Derbyshire Councils on Vision Derbyshire and the emergence of the opportunities presented through a County Deal; · Seek approval for the Council’s involvement in Phase 4 development and implementation; and · Seek to confirm the Council’s involvement in the establishment of a Joint Committee of local authorities within Derbyshire, the Vision Derbyshire Committee, to progress a collaborative working model which seeks to improve outcomes for people and place through closer working between those authorities.
The report was considered by the Corporate Select Committee on 27 September 2021.
Options considered:
1. Alternative Option 1 Do Nothing – The Council could continue with current arrangements for Vision Derbyshire with existing informal governance arrangements and resources. However, this option would no be sustainable in the short and medium term because resources and capacity to deliver identified programmes of work were not sufficient to progress the approach. A new joint team and formal governance arrangements provide an opportunity to present a different and new model of collaboration as a viable alternative to local government reform and as such this would not deliver the ambitions of the Council to deliver local government reform. (Not recommended)
2. Alternative Option 2 – The Council could cease its involvement in Vision Derbyshire and abandon ambitions to develop a new collaborative model for Derbyshire. The Council instead could continue to pursue opportunities to deliver improved outcomes through traditional forms of collaboration and partnership. However, this approach had known limitations, does not address the challenges facing local government in respect of reduced financial resources and would not deliver the full range of benefits as set out in the report. It does not provide a viable alternative to local government reorganisation and limits Derbyshire’s ability to speak with one voice. Ultimately this could prevent Derbyshire from maximising resources into Derbyshire that may become available through devolution and the levelling up agenda. (Not Recommended)
3. Alternative Option 3 – The Council could cease its involvement in Vision Derbyshire and pursue an alternative approach to local government reform through local government reorganisation. However, this was not currently the Council’s preferred option and there was currently no framework in place to enable Councils in the country to pursue this approach at the current moment in time. (Not recommended)
1. That the progress on the development of the Vision Derbyshire approach and recent Phase 3 developments and achievements be noted.
2. That key actions currently being undertaken during Vision Derbyshire Phase 3a to develop an ambitious programme of work in advance of Phase 4 be considered and noted.
3. That Vision Derbyshire Phase 4 proposals for the forthcoming period as set out in the report be considered and approved.
4. That the Council’s active participation in Vision Derbyshire Phase 4 and the associated costs of taking forward the programme of work, the maximum cost of which currently stands at £52,350 per annum be approved.
5. That proposals for the establishment of ... view the full minutes text for item 22/25 |
Local Council Tax Reduction Scheme Review & Focus on Universal Credit Implications PDF 504 KB Minutes: The Council was obliged to consider each year whether to revise its current council tax reduction scheme, leave it as it is or replace it with a completely new scheme.
The proposal was to retain the current scheme for 2022/23. However, the introduction of Universal Credit meant that the current scheme was proving increasingly difficult to administer and more difficult for recipients of the discount to understand and manage. Therefore, there was also a proposal to explore options for redesigning the scheme to provide greater certainty in the light of Universal Credit. Any decisions on design and subsequent implementation would occur by 2023/24 at the earliest, to allow for extensive consultation.
The report was considered by the Corporate Select Committee on 27 September 2021.
Options considered:
The options available (including doing nothing) were analysed in the summary of the report.
1. That the proposal to retain the existing council tax reduction scheme for 2022/23 be approved.
2. Approves the proposal for further research to be undertaken into alternative designs for a council tax reduction scheme that better deals with the impact of Universal Credit be approved, subject to a further report and consultation.
Review and Renewal of Torr Vale Mill Memorandum of Understanding PDF 149 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The report provided an update on progress with regeneration of Torr Vale Mill, New Mills and sought approval to renew the Memorandum of Understanding first entered into in 2018 with Derbyshire County Council (DCC), Historic England (HE), Torr Vale Mill Preservation Trust (TVMPT) and Torr Vale Mills Limited (TVML) as the owner of Torr Vale Mill. The report was considered by the Economy and Growth Select Committee on 16 September 2021.
Options considered:
Option A: To approve the Council signing the renewed Memorandum of Understanding (recommended). By renewing the Memorandum of Understanding, the Council would reaffirm its commitment to work with partners to identify a viable future use for specified areas of Torr Vale Mill, enabling a return of the building complex to full use.
Option B: To resolve to withdraw from the project partnership (not recommended). By not resigning the updated Memorandum of Understanding, the Council would be signalling a lack of intent with respect to support for the redevelopment of Torr Vale Mill and a withdrawal from the project partnership.
That it be approved that High Peak Borough Council re-enters an updated Memorandum of Understanding with Derbyshire County Council, Historic England, Torr Vale Mill Preservation Trust and Torr Vale Mills Limited to help facilitate collaborative work towards a shared development plan for specified areas of the Mill. |
Safer Walk and Ride Initiative PDF 322 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The report updated members on progress of Buxton Town Team’s proposal to create a Walk and Ride Network in Buxton. The report was considered by the Economy and Growth Select Committee on 16 September 2021.
Options considered:
This report is for information only and therefore there are no alternative options.
1. That the work of the Town Team to develop the Walk & Ride Network to date and the potential implications for the Council if the project were to be fully endorsed be noted.
2. That ward members be consulted before any final decision is taken by the Council.
To resolve that the public and press be excluded from the meeting for the following items because there may be disclosure to them of exempt information as defined in Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972. Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the public and press be excluded from the meeting for the following items because there may be disclosure of exempt information as defined in Part I of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972.
To approve the exempt minutes of the previous meeting Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the exempt minutes of the meeting held on 5 August 2021 be approved as a correct record.
Joint Venture for the Provision of Facilities Management and Housing Repairs Minutes: The Executive approved a report that agreed the outline of the implementation plan to establish the joint venture partnership to deliver housing repair and facilities management services.
HIF Fairfield Roundabout - Update Report Minutes: The Executive approved a report that provided an update of progress on the Housing Infrastructure Fund (HIF) programme which would deliver the Fairfield roundabout and enable delivery of homes across sites within the north of Buxton. |