Agenda and minutes

Planning Applications Committee - Thursday, 10th November, 2022 2.00 pm

Venue: The Council Chamber, Moorlands House, Stockwell Street, Leek. View directions

Contact: Sally Hampton - Democratic Services Officer Tel: 01538 395429  Email:


Webcast: View the webcast

No. Item


Chair's announcements

a)    Webcasting;

b)    Introductions of Members and Officers;

c)    Other announcements.

Additional documents:


The Chair announced the following:


a)    The meeting was being broadcast live to the internet via the usual webcasting facility and was capable of repeated viewing. The images and sound recording could be used for training purposes within the Council. The Chair had the discretion to terminate or suspend filming if it was his opinion that continuing to do so would prejudice the proceedings of the meeting. Any views expressed by any speaker in the meeting were the speaker’s own and did not necessarily reflect the views of Staffordshire Moorlands District Council.

b)    The meeting was held in the Council Chamber, Moorlands House.

c)    Members of the Committee and Officers present were introduced by the Chair.

d)    Members had made site visits during the morning of the meeting.



To Approve the Minutes of the Previous Meeting. pdf icon PDF 230 KB

Additional documents:




That the minutes of the meeting of the Planning Applications Committee held on 8 September 2022 be approvedas a correct record and signed by the Chair.



Urgent items, if any.

Additional documents:


There were none.


Declarations of Interest

i. Disclosable Pecuniary Interests;

ii. Other Interests;

iii. Lobbying Interests.

Additional documents:


The following declarations were made:


Agenda Item

Member Declaring Interest

Nature of Interest

Agenda Item 7 – SMD/2021/0550 –

Fole Dairy, Fole

Cllr. Flunder

‘Other’ – Occupier of a nearby property and Parish Councillor for this area.

Cllrs: Davies, Ellis, Emery, Flunder, Hart, Holmes, Hoptroff, P. Jackson, Plant, Riley and Wilkinson

‘Other’ – Mrs Carolyn Flunder (speaker) is wife of Cllr Flunder and known to members.

Cllr Wilkinson

‘Other- - Parish/District Councillor for this area.

Agenda Item 9 - . SMD/2022/0437

Land to rear of No’s 30-34 Church Lane


Cllrs: Davies, Ellis, Emery, Flunder, Hart, Holmes, Hoptroff, P. Jackson, Plant, Riley and Wilkinson

‘Other’ - Mr Rob Duncan (speaker) is a former officer of the Council and known to members of the Committee.

Cllrs Wilkinson & Flunder

‘Other’ – Parish/District Councillor for this area.

Cllr Wilkinson

Lobbied – No response given.

Agenda Item 8 -SMD/2022/0098

Adderley Mill, Adderley


Cllr Plant

‘Other’ – Ward Councillor for this area

Agenda Item 11 - SMD/2022/0474

Land off Quarry Bank, Hollington

Nr Cheadle

Cllrs Wilkinson and Flunder

Other’ – Parish/District Councillor for this area.

Councillor Flunder

‘Other’ – Chair of the Neighbourhood Plan for this area.






Late Representations Report (circulated prior to the meeting i.e. any representations received since this agenda was published). pdf icon PDF 192 KB

Additional documents:


RESOLVED: That the Late Representations Report be NOTED.



SMD/2021/0550 - Fole Dairy, Fole pdf icon PDF 514 KB

Additional documents:


Approval of reserved matters, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale relating to SMD/2018/0234.


(Councillor Flunder left the room and did not take part in the vote)


(Report recommended approval subject to conditions)


Received – Representation from the undermentioned speakers:-


Against the application:

Mrs Carolyn Flunder - Resident


For the Application:

Mr Patrick Downes – Planning Consultant


During the debate concerns were raised in regard to drainage, the houses which fronted the main road and footpaths which also led to Uttoxeter Road. Members were advised that pre-commencement drainage conditions were included on the outline permission 




1.    That consideration of the application be deferred to enable the design of the scheme to be altered in relation to the layout, pedestrian accesses and improved landscaping along the site frontage to dissuade residents, visitors and delivery vehicles from parking on the main Uttoxeter Road rather than entering the development in the interests of highway safety.


(Proposed by Councillor Ellis and seconded by Councillor Holmes)





SMD/2022/0098 - Adderley Mill, Adderley, Cheadle pdf icon PDF 532 KB

Additional documents:


Demolition of existing building and the erection of a portal framed building for a warehouse and welfare facility, ancillary to the existing Industrial Unit (General Industrial/Storage and Distribution uses).


(Report recommended approval subject to conditions)


The Committee was advised that since the publication of the report, an update had been received from the Environmental Health section to confirm consent could include category usages B2 and B8.




1      That the application be approved for the reasons and based on the policies contained in the report, subject to the conditions and informatives in the report.


2      That in the event of any changes being needed to the wording of the Committee’s decision (such as to delete, vary or add conditions / informatives / planning obligations or reasons for approval / refusal)

prior to the decision being issued, the Head of Development Services be given delegated authority to do so in consultation with the Chair of the Planning Applications Committee, provided that the changes do not exceed the substantive nature of the Committee’s decision.


(Proposed by Councillor Hart and seconded by Councillor Ellis)



SMD/2022/0437 - Land Rear of No's 30-34 Church Lane Checkley pdf icon PDF 558 KB

Additional documents:


Erection of a detached, two-storey dwelling.


(Report recommended approval subject to conditions)


Received – Representations from the undermentioned speaker:-


For the application:


Mr Rob Duncan - Agent




1.    That the application be approved for the reasons and based on the policies contained in the report, subject to the conditions and informatives in the report and the additional condition below.

a.    Pre-occupation condition for car parking spaces to be marked out on the Red Lion pub car park to avoid the entrance to the property being obstructed.


2.    That in the event of any changes being needed to the wording of the Committee’s decision (such as to delete, vary or add conditions / informatives / planning obligations or reasons for approval / refusal)

prior to the decision being issued, the Head of Development Services be given delegated authority to do so in consultation with the Chair of the Planning Applications Committee, provided that the changes do not exceed the substantive nature of the Committee’s decision.


(Proposed by Councillor Ellis and seconded by Councillor Hart)


SMD/2022/0164 - 18 Riverside Churnet View pdf icon PDF 351 KB

Additional documents:


This item had been withdrawn.


SMD/2022/0474 - Land off Quarry Bank, Hollington, nr Cheadle pdf icon PDF 492 KB

Additional documents:


Outline application with details of access for the erection of two detached dwellings.


(Report recommended refusal)


During consideration of this application, Councillor Flunder declared an ‘other’ interest as he was the Chairman of the Neighbourhood Plan for this area.


Received – Representation from the undermentioned speakers:


For the application:

Councillor Sandra Peck - Parish Councillor

Miss Julie Simms - Applicant’s Daughter

Ms Melanie Swanwick – Supporter


In response to a query, the Legal Advisor provided an explanation of the concept of pre-determination to the Committee. Policies SS10 and SS9 were also explained to members by the Head of Development Services.




1.    That, contrary to Officer recommendation, the application be approved for the following reasons:

a.    The application was deemed an infill development;

b.    Complied with polices H1 and SS9.


2.    For the development to include a landscaping condition.


3.    That in the event of any changes being needed to the wording of the Committee’s decision (such as to delete, vary or add conditions / informatives / planning obligations or reasons for approval / refusal)

prior to the decision being issued, the Head of Development Services be given delegated authority to do so in consultation with the Chair of the Planning Applications Committee, provided that the changes do not exceed the substantive nature of the Committee’s decision.


(Proposed by Flunder and seconded by Councillor Hoptroff)



Exclusion of the Press and Public

The Chair to move:-


 “That pursuant to Section 100A (2) and (4) of the Local Government Act, 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting in view of the nature of the business to be transacted or nature of the proceedings whereby it is likely that exempt information as defined in Section 100A (3) of the Act would be disclosed to the public in breach of the obligation of confidence or exempt information as defined in Section 100I (1) of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act would be disclosed to the public by virtue of the paragraphs indicated.”

Additional documents:


The Chair Moved:-


“That, pursuant to Section 100A(2) and (4) of the Local Government Act, 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting in view of the nature of the business to be transacted or the nature of the proceedings whereby it is likely that confidential information as defined in Section 100A (3) of the Act would be disclosed to the public in breach of the obligation of confidence or exempt information as defined in Section 100 I (1) of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act would be disclosed to the public by virtue of the Paragraphs indicated.”




Performance on Planning Enforcement


The Committee considered a report on the performance of planning enforcement.