Agenda and minutes

Community Select Committee - Wednesday, 9th March, 2022 6.30 pm

Contact: Rachel Rourke Telephone: 01298 28400 ex. 2139  Email:


No. Item


To receive Disclosures of Interest on any matters before the Committee

i)              Disclosable Pecuniary Interests

ii)             Other Interests


Councillor Kelly declared an ‘other’ interest in the business before the committee (reason: works for The Bureau which receives a grant from HPBC)


Minutes of the previous meeting pdf icon PDF 236 KB


The Chair advised that the following actions have been taken since the last meeting:

1.    Lee Baker’s contact details have been circulated to members, more local details are to follow

2.    The response to the DCC Consultation around The Future of Direct Care Homes for Older People have been submitted

3.    Figures for attendance at Buxton Swimming Pool from Parkwood have been circulated




That the minutes of the meeting held on 26 January 2022 be approved as a correct record.


HIgh Peak CVS Annual Report


This item was deferred.


Handy Van Service pdf icon PDF 227 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee considered a report advising of the termination of the County Handy Van Scheme and future arrangements.  Appended to the report were details of alternate practical resources in Derbyshire (Appendix A) and a report from Connex (Appendix B) who had been commissioned to run the scheme in North Derbyshire.


Gill Geddes of Connex was in attendance at the meeting and provided members with a brief overview of the service, particularly in respect of its work with vulnerable people which often led to the identification of other issues and signposting to relevant services.  It was commented that the loss of the service is in conflict with the pressure on health and social care services in its role in facilitating clients’ safe return home from hospital and will impact on the stability of the organisation as a whole.  Gill also made reference to the valuable contribution of staff involved in the scheme.


In response to a query regarding alternative service provision going forward, it was noted that the alternative practical resources offered were not a like for like replacement for the service with may affect the most vulnerable.  Further details were required around how the services could be accessed.


Although Connex had been informed of the cessation of the service at the end of the November, wider communication had been slow.  Members were also concerned around the lack of consultation prior to the decision being made.




1.    That Gill be thanked for her attendance and contribution to the meeting;


2.    That the concerns of the committee as set out above be conveyed to Derbyshire County Council.




DCC Consultation - Changes to the eligibility criteria for the community alarm system


The Committee considered a consultation from Derbyshire County Council around Changes to the eligibility criteria for the community alarm system. 


Helen Core, Head of Housing Services for HPBC, set out the main points of the consultation and how it would affect some HPBC residents.  It was noted that the consultation was around how the carelink element of care would be funded for ‘legacy’ clients, and that clients would be assessed to establish whether they met the threshold under the Care Act.   Concern was expressed that some clients who needed the service would now fall under the threshold and no longer have that element of care funded.


The way in which the consultation was worded was criticised, as it was very confusing for residents.  The view was also expressed that councillors should be made aware of consultations such as this in advance so that they are able to help their constituents.


Reference was made a review of older people’s accommodation provision which would be presented to members in due course.




That the above comments be incorporated into the council’s response to the consultation.


Revised Private Sector Housing Renewal Assistance Policy 2021 - 26 pdf icon PDF 219 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee considered he draft revised Private Sector Housing Renewal Assistance Policy for High Peak Borough Council, following a period of public consultation.


Once approved, the scheme would be promoted and in response to a query around the involvement of the Parishes,  it was suggested that this could be an item on a future meeting of the Parish Forum and could be included in the Parishes newsletter.  Reference was made to the Empty Properties Strategy which was a separate but complementary document, and work was on-going to determine how best to engage the public in that process.




That the Executive be recommended to approve the revised High Peak Private Sector Housing Renewal Assistance Policy for 2021 – 26.


Select Committee Work Programme pdf icon PDF 105 KB


It was requested that an overview of parking responsibilities be added to the work programme.




That subject to the above, the Select Committee Work Programme be noted.