Agenda and minutes

Development Control Committee - Monday, 23rd October, 2023 1.30 pm

Venue: Pavilion Arts Centre, Pavilion Gardens, Buxton

Contact: Rachel Rourke Telephone: 01298 28400 ex. 2139  Email:

No. Item


Chair's Announcement


The Chair confirmed that the meeting was being broadcast live to the internet via the Council’s website and was capable of repeated viewing.  The images and sound recording may be used for training purposes within the Council.  All were asked to keep to the speaking guidelines which were outlined.  Any views expressed by any speaker in the meeting are the speaker’s own and do not necessarily reflect the views of High Peak Borough Council.


To receive Disclosures of Interest on any matters before the Committee

1.    Disclosable Pecuniary Interests

2.    Other Interests


Councillor Todd declared an ‘other’ interest in agenda item 11, HPK2019//0230 Café, Pavilion Gardens, St John’s Road, Buxton and 12, HPK/2019//0231 Café, Pavilion Gardens, St John’s Road, Buxton (reason: HPBC Executive Councillor and Parkwood Leisure Limited application.)


Councillor Scott declared with reference to application HPK/2022/0359, Lower Cliff Farm, Thornsett Lane, Birch Vale, that she had discussed the application in her capacity as a school governor on the assumption that the facility would be open to the general public and abstained from voting on the application.


Minutes of the previous meeting pdf icon PDF 232 KB




That the minutes of the meeting held on 28 September 2023 be approved as a correct record.


Update Sheet pdf icon PDF 283 KB




That the update sheet be noted.


Planning Applications pdf icon PDF 185 KB




That the report be noted.


HPK/2022/0456 - Land at, Dinting Vale, Dinting, Glossop, Derbyshire pdf icon PDF 1 MB


Proposed residential development comprising 92 dwellings including areas of public open space, landscaping and associated works


Applicant:      Hourigan Planning


The Committee had undertaken a site visit.


The Committee were addressed by Philip Miskell (in objection to the application), Cllr Elliott-Starkey (adjacent Ward Councillor) and Marc Hourigan (agent).


During the debate, members discussed highway and access matters, air quality issues and traffic along the A57, affordable housing provision, play provision, bio diversity and tree matters.




1.    That the application be refused for the following reasons:

i.      The area is already an AQMA and there is potential for the level of air pollution in the area to be further increased due to increased traffic levels, leading to concerns around the impact on the health of children in the area;

ii.     Road safety concerns given the vicinity of the school to the proposed access road;

iii.    The lack of affordable housing contrary to Policy DS4;

iv.   The lack of replacement trees contrary to Policy EQ9;

v.     The potential for the public right of way onto Simmondley Lane to be used as a rat run, and the absence of any information in the application around preventative measures;

vi.   A net loss of biodiversity contrary to Policy EQ5;

vii.  The proposed access road is not within the Local Plan allocation


2.    That in the event of any changes being needed to the wording of the Committee’s decision (such as to delete vary or add conditions/informative/planning obligations or reasons for approval / refusal) prior to the decision being issued, the Head of Development Services be delegated authority to do so in consultation with the Chair of the Committee, provided that the changes do not exceed the substantive nature of this committee’s decision.



HPK/2022/0300 - ALDI, Station Road, Buxton, Derbyshire, SK17 6AQ pdf icon PDF 977 KB


Demolition of existing supermarket and erection of freestanding restaurant with drive-thru facility, car parking, landscaping and associated works at  ALDI, Station Road, Buxton


Applicant:      McDonald’s Restaurants Ltd


The Committee had undertaken a site visit.


The Committee were addressed by Robert Parker and Alison Rundall in objection to the application and Sean Fielding (applicant).




1.    That authority be delegated to the Head of Development Services to approve the application, subject to no objections from outstanding consultees and the conditions as set out within the report;


2.    That in the event of any changes being needed to the wording of the Committee’s decision (such as to delete vary or add conditions/informative/planning obligations or reasons for approval / refusal) prior to the decision being issued, the Head of Development Services be delegated authority to do so in consultation with the Chair of the Committee, provided that the changes do not exceed the substantive nature of this committee’s decision.



HPK/2022/0359 - Lower Cliff Farm, Thornsett Lane, Birch Vale pdf icon PDF 311 KB


Installation of Horse Riding Manege. Change of Use to Equestrian


Applicant:      Mr David Hodges


The Committee had undertaken a site visit.


The Committee were addressed by Mr Critchlow in objection to the application and Amy Hubble (agent).




1.    That the application be approved as set out in the report;


2.    That in the event of any changes being needed to the wording of the Committee’s decision (such as to delete vary or add conditions/informative/planning obligations or reasons for approval / refusal) prior to the decision being issued, the Head of Development Services be delegated authority to do so in consultation with the Chair of the Committee, provided that the changes do not exceed the substantive nature of this committee’s decision.



HPK/2022/0344 - Glossopdale Community College Lower Site, Talbot Road, Glossop, Derbyshire, SK13 7DR pdf icon PDF 463 KB


Proposed new bungalow


Applicant:      Mr Alan Davies


The Committee had undertaken a site visit.


The Committee were addressed by Councillor Elliott-Starkey (ward councillor) in support of the application.




1.    That the application is refused as set out in the report;


2.    That in the event of any changes being needed to the wording of the Committee’s decision (such as to delete vary or add conditions/informative/planning obligations or reasons for approval / refusal) prior to the decision being issued, the Head of Development Services be delegated authority to do so in consultation with the Chair of the Committee, provided that the changes do not exceed the substantive nature of this committee’s decision.


HPK/2022/0327 - Land Adjacent to 61, Temple Street, Padfield, Glossop, Derbyshire, SK13 1EL pdf icon PDF 629 KB


Erection of a new dwelling as an extension to the existing terrace


Applicant:      Mr Harrison


The Committee had undertaken a site visit.


A submission from local residents was read to the committee by the Head of Development Services.  The Committee were addressed by Councillor Ollie Cross (ward councillor) and Jenny Wetton (agent).




1.    That the application be approved as set out in the report;


2.    That in the event of any changes being needed to the wording of the Committee’s decision (such as to delete vary or add conditions/informative/planning obligations or reasons for approval / refusal) prior to the decision being issued, the Head of Development Services be delegated authority to do so in consultation with the Chair of the Committee, provided that the changes do not exceed the substantive nature of this committee’s decision.


HPK/2019/0230 - Cafe, Pavilion Gardens, St Johns Road, Buxton pdf icon PDF 498 KB


Listed Building Consent For New Entrance Lobby Within The Tea Room


Applicant:      Parkwood Leisure Limited




1.    That the application be refused as set out in the report;


2.    That in the event of any changes being needed to the wording of the Committee’s decision (such as to delete vary or add conditions/informative/planning obligations or reasons for approval / refusal) prior to the decision being issued, the Head of Development Services be delegated authority to do so in consultation with the Chair of the Committee, provided that the changes do not exceed the substantive nature of this committee’s decision.


HPK/2019/0231 - Cafe, Pavilion Gardens, St Johns Road, Buxton pdf icon PDF 500 KB


Listed Building Consent For Glazed Screen & Double Doors To Main Entrance


Applicant:      Parkwood Leisure Limited



1.    That Listed Building Consent be approved as set out in the report;


2.    That in the event of any changes being needed to the wording of the Committee’s decision (such as to delete vary or add conditions/informative/planning obligations or reasons for approval / refusal) prior to the decision being issued, the Head of Development Services be delegated authority to do so in consultation with the Chair of the Committee, provided that the changes do not exceed the substantive nature of this committee’s decision


TREE PRESERVATION ORDER AT 2 Blenheim Close, Hadfield, SK13 1QY HPBC TPO No 309 pdf icon PDF 1 MB

Additional documents:


The Committee considered a report which set out the objection raised to a temporary Tree Preservation Order (TPO) made in respect of trees at 2 Blenheim Close, Hadfield SK13 1QY and considered whether the order should be confirmed and made permanent or allowed to lapse.




That, notwithstanding the objections raised, the Tree Preservation Order be confirmed as modified, for the reasons set out at paragraph 5 of the report.