Agenda and minutes

Health Overview & Scrutiny Panel - Wednesday, 13th November, 2019 2.00 pm

Venue: The Council Chamber, Moorlands House, Stockwell Street, Leek. View directions

Contact: Sally Hampton - Member & Community Support Officer  Tel: 01538 395429 Email:

No. Item


Notification of Substitute Members, if any.


Councillor Gledhill was substitute member for Councillor Cawley.


To Approve the Minutes of the Previous Meeting. pdf icon PDF 97 KB


DECIDED:That the minutes from the meeting held on 11th September 2019 be APPROVED as a correct record and signed by the Chair.



Minutes of the Last Meeting of the Healthy Staffordshire Select Committee. pdf icon PDF 139 KB


DECIDED: That the minutes of the meeting of the Healthy Staffordshire Select Committee held on 9th October  be NOTED.


Urgent Items of Business, if any. (24 hours notice to be provided to the Chairman).


There were none.


Declaration of Interests:

·         Disclosable Pecuniary Interests

·         Other Interests


Agenda No.

Member Declaring Interest

Nature of Interest




Agenda Item – None specific


Cllr J. Jones

Other – Employed by the West Midlands Ambulance Service.



Questions to Portfolio Holders, if any.


(At least two clear days notice required, in writing, to the Proper Officer in accordance with Procedure Rule 15).




No questions had been received for the Portfolio Holders.


Everyone Health - Joanne Robinson, Senior Commissioning Manager, SCC, Bethany Albutt, Service Manager and Suzanne Rhodes, Community Engagement Programme Manager.


At the request of the Panel, representatives from Everyone Health were in attendance at the meeting to advise members of the work carried out by the organisation.


Everyone Health delivered a targeted lifestyle service which included: NHS Health Checks, weight management, malnutrition, falls prevention, social isolation, smoking cessation and physical activity interventions.  People aged 50 years and over are eligible who live in areas most at risk of poor health.  The health and social care needs index was used to identify areas (decile 1).  The service had been targeted in these areas to date. 


There had been a recent change to the eligibility criteria:


           Postcode eligibility had been extended from decile 1 to deciles 1-3 using the health and social care needs index. In Staffordshire Moorlands originally there were 3 Lower Layer Super Output Areas (LSOAs) eligible, this change targeted 15 LSOAs in Staffs Moorlands (3 in Biddulph East, 1 Biddulph West, 1 Brown Edge and Endon, 1 Cheadle North East, 1 Cheadle South East, 1 Cheadle West, 1 Leek East, 4 Leek North and 2 Leek South.


           40 practices that had the highest proportion of their practice population living in the targeted areas, could now offer and/or provide services to 100% of their population who were 50 years and over and to those that met the national eligibility criteria for NHS Health Checks.  The service was engaging with Biddulph Doctors and Biddulph Valley to support delivery.


42 interventions had been delivered in Staffordshire Moorlands (for the time period Quarter 1 to 4).  Out of all interventions delivered across Staffordshire 9.9% of these were to people from Staffordshire Moorlands.  Based on targeted LSOAs it was anticipated 5.8% (3 out of 52 LSOAs) of people to access, therefore the current access levels in Staffordshire Moorlands was higher than expected.


Compliments were passed on to the staff which provided the service from the Haregate Community Centre. It was felt that the attendance figures at the centre were low, there was concern in relation to the service being relocated to the GPs and the types of outreach methods used were queried.


In response, the officers advised that the service wasn’t solely being moved to GPs. GPs were being asked to actively refer people to the service. NHS Health Checks were being offered at Sainsbury’s in Leek and Biddulph and business Health Checks had been carried out at various employers in the area. Information for these events was publicised via social media, radio, adverts on buses, pharmacy bags and posters. It was also confirmed that due to the eligibility change, areas in Cheadle would now receive services from Everyone Health.


Members were pleased that the postcode eligibility had been extended and with the Health Checks at places of employment.


Members queried the eligibility criteria and it was explained that due to a reduction in funding the services could only be offered to those most at risk of entering Health & Social Care.


Discussion took place around interventions, the outcomes at 12 and 52  ...  view the full minutes text for item 66.


Work Programme. pdf icon PDF 50 KB


Any additional items to be added to the Work Programme:-


i)          Chairman’s items;

ii)         Members items;



At this point of the meeting, Councillor Swindlehurst informed members that she would attend the Dementia Friends Training on 9th December 2019. Following this, she would be able to provide the training to other councillors, prior to or after committee meetings.


DECIDED: That the Panel’s Work Programme for 2019/20 be agreed, subject to, an item on mental health first aid training for staff and councillors and an update on Leek Moorlands Hospital being added.