Venue: Council Chamber, Moorlands House, Leek
Contact: Sally Hampton, Democratic Services Officer. Tel. 01538 395429 Email:
No. | Item |
Notification of Substitute Members, if any Minutes: Councillor Hulme was substitute member for Councillor Holmes and Councillor Taylor substituted for Councillor Parkes. |
Minutes of the previous meeting PDF 210 KB Minutes: DECIDED: That the minutes of the previous meeting held on 15 March 2023 be APPROVED. |
Urgent items of Business, if any (24 hours notice to be provided to the Chairman) Minutes: There were none. |
Declaration of Interests: i. Disclosable Pecuniary Interests; ii. Other Interests. Minutes: No interests were declared. |
Questions to Portfolio Holders, if any Minutes: None had been received. |
Bite Size Briefing (Presentation) PDF 569 KB Minutes: The Panel received a presentation from Martin Owen - Executive Director (Finance and Customer Services) & Chief Finance Officer/S151 Officer and Linden Vernon – Head of Democratic Services. This included:-
· The Council’s Decision Making Process · Forward Plan · Overview & Scrutiny · Review of Scrutiny · Role of the Resources Overview & Scrutiny Panel · Work Programme development · Task & Finish Groups · Role of Officers
Members debated the role of the newly created Finance and Performance Sub-Committee, Council’s investment in bank accounts, match funding, accessibility of services, possible extension to the length of time for the submission of questions to Portfolio Holders and a more formal process for members to receive responses after meetings had taken place.
1) That the content of the presentation be noted; 2) For a copy of the presentation to be emailed to all members; 3) For the associated timescale for the Accessibility Strategy to be provided after the meeting; 4) Responses to queries to be shared with all members present at meetings of the Panel.
Development of the Work Programme 2023/24 Minutes: The Panel was advised that the forthcoming Priority Setting Session, access to demographic data and the implementation of the case management system would assist members in shaping policies/strategies and help to decide future items for the work programme.
Members were keen to receive regular updates on the Levelling Up Fund and suggested that it may be beneficial to set up a working group in relation to the Asset Management Strategy and Plan. In particular, members felt that Moorlands House was a priority and were interested in repurposing other properties.
DECIDED: That the item be noted.