Agenda and minutes

Moorlands Partnership Board - Wednesday, 1st December, 2021 2.00 pm

Venue: The Council Chamber, Moorlands House, Stockwell Street, Leek

Contact: Sally Hampton - Democratic Services Officer  Tel: 01538 395429 Email:

No. Item


To Approve the Minutes from the Previous Meeting. pdf icon PDF 296 KB


RESOLVED: That the minutes of the meeting held on 27 July 2021 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.



Disclosure of Interests:

·         Disclosable Pecuniary Interests:

·         Other Interests



Agenda No.

Member Declaring Interest

Nature of Interest




Not specified

Cllr Hart

Other – A member of Biddulph Town Council

Not specified

Cllr Sheldon

Other – Chairman of Biddulph in Bloom which had  received grant funding from SMDC and a member of Biddulph Town Council.

Items 4 & 5

Cllr Malyon

Other – Chair of Ipstones Parish Council. An Item for this area was being considered at the meeting.

Not specified

Cllrs Emery & Wales

Other – Members of Leek Town Council.



Summary of Projects pdf icon PDF 130 KB


The Board received a report which provided an update and reviewed progress on the grants already approved (in previous years) under the Moorlands Partnership Board.


The report and presentation detailed progress to date on those projects, awaiting commencement, on site or, completed since the last meeting of the Moorlands Partnership Board.

Project updates and progress


2015/16 OFFERS:


Gazebo, Whitehough, Ipstones

Works complete and grant paid.            


2016/17 OFFERS:


The Trough, Biddulph

Awaiting commencement. No update from Biddulph Town Council.

Gillow Heath Station.

Awaiting commencement

Halls Road Community Notice Board, Biddulph
Noticeboards completed and awaiting invoices. A licence was required to fix the boards in place.

2017/2018 OFFERS:


Funerary Monuments

Ongoing project. Repairs to all the funerary monuments were now complete with the exception of the Genders memorial at the Church of St Lawrence, Biddulph.


2019/2020 OFFERS:        


42 Compton, Leek

No further update to report. 


Leekbrook Rail Track

Works on site, the construction was due to start towards the end of January 2022 with a completion in September 2022.

2020/2021 OFFERS:


St Edwards Summerhouses

Specification of works being prepared prior to making formal grant award.




Biddulph Florists

Potential grant aid for like for like replacement shopfront. Awaiting quotes and the applicant has been chased as there had been a change to the tenancy.


Former Garage, Ipstones

Repair and restoration of building for community use.


The Officer explained that although she hadn’t received any enquiries for large projects, she had been contacted about smaller schemes which included the restoration of war memorials, a local artist heritage trail in Tean and shop frontage renovations.


Financial Summary and Proposed Grant Awards pdf icon PDF 139 KB


The Board received a report which sought Member’s approval for the allocation of grant funding from the Moorlands Partnership Board (MPB) in 2021/22. The budget for this year was £60,350.


The report allowed members to consider applications for environmental enhancement and heritage grants under the MPB for funding toward suitable projects within the district.


An application had been received for grant funding towards the restoration of the village Well at Endon, an analysis of the heritage value of the well was outlined at section 7 of the report.


Members recalled that given the extraordinary circumstances of last year, the Finance Team had agreed to roll forward any unallocated funds to the subsequent 4 years funding of the MPB. This provided a total of £60,000 to be allocated each financial year to 2024/25.


Subject to the above grant being approved, this would result in a current budget underspend of £50, 830 in 2021/22. A series of activities had been agreed going forward to further promote the scheme and encourage uptake of grant funding.


The Chair asked members to encourage people to apply for grant funding and it was suggested that this grant scheme could be promoted at the next meeting of the Parish Assembly. 



1)    The Board NOTED the financial summary in 7.5 and action taken to increase uptake of grants. 

2)    Members of the Board APPROVED a 75% grant of £1,170 towards the eligible works at the Village Well restoration at Endon totalling £1,560 (exclusive of VAT) and subject to the standard grant conditions.



Any Other Business.


The Chair thanked everyone for their attendance and the date of the next meeting would be towards the end of March 2022. The confirmed date would be circulated to members in due in course.