Venue: The Council Chamber, Moorlands House, Stockwell Street, Leek
Contact: Sally Hampton - Democratic Services Officer Tel: 01538 395429 Email:
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
To Approve the Minutes from the Previous Meeting. PDF 198 KB Minutes: RESOLVED:That the minutes of the meeting held on 1 December 2021 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.
Disclosure of Interests: · Disclosable Pecuniary Interests: · Other Interests
Summary of Projects PDF 128 KB Minutes: The Board received a report which provided an update and reviewed progress on the grants already approved (in previous years) under the Moorlands Partnership Board.
Project updates and progress
2016/17 OFFERS:
Biddulph Town Council Projects The Trough, Gillow Heath Station and Halls Road Community Notice Board. The noticeboard would be erected in April. Licences were being obtained to do the work at Gillow Heath Station. The Trough repair was delayed slightly waiting confirmation of a contractor.
2017/2018 OFFERS: Funerary Monuments All repairs to the funerary monuments were now complete. The Genders Memorial in Biddulph was the last to complete. The grant had been paid and the project was now complete.
2019/2020 OFFERS: 42 Compton, Leek No further update to report.
Leekbrook Rail Track No project update
2020/2021 OFFERS: St Edward’s Summerhouses Specification being prepared prior to making grant award.
2021/2022 OFFERS: Endon Village Well Two new water pipes had been installed, one of which has now been connected to the well head and so water was once again running to the main well head in the village through a new pipe.
ANTICIPATED APPLICATIONS: Former garage/barn – Ipstones 69 – 71 Derby Street – New Shopfront and upper floor window repairs The Plough Endon – Redecoration of Mural |
Financial Summary and Proposed Grant Awards PDF 192 KB Minutes: The Board considered a report which sought Member’s approval for the allocation of grant funding from the Moorlands Partnership Board (MPB) in 2021/22. The budget for this year was £60,350.
Members would recall that given the extraordinary circumstances of last year, the Finance Team agreed to roll forward any unallocated funds to the subsequent 4 years funding of the MPB. This resulted in an enhanced budget of £60,350 in 2021/22 followed by a further 3 years with a £60,000 budget. Members noted however, that the usual budget rules applied and there was no ability to carry forward any unused allocation. If members recommended approval of the grant applications on this report then the table below represented the current financial position this year.
There was a remaining budget of £50,830 to be awarded this year. After the circulation of a revised grant leaflet and publicity within the local press a significant number of grant applications have been received (13). As a result, there were insufficient funds to offer grants to all these from within this financial year. However, in agreement with the Council’s Finance Section, the Board could offer grants to all, with any overspend being met from next year’s budget of £60,000. This meant that when the Board held its first meeting of the year (July 2022) £18,613 would have already been allocated. Given previous difficulties in allocating grants this would prove a significant step in grant allocation for 2022/23.
1) The Board NOTED the financial summary in 3.1 of the report.
2) Members APPROVED a 75% grant of £5250 towards the roof repairs to St Mark’s Church, Foxt. Subject to the standard grant scheme conditions and the following technical conditions:- · Relevant approvals obtained from the Diocese of Lichfield; · Given the listed status of the Church, all new materials bought to site match the existing and approved by the Regeneration Officer, prior to installation.
3) Members APPROVED a maximum grant of £8,000 towards the restoration of a historic stone boundary wall to Heaton House, Rushton Spencer. The work would be subject to the standard grant scheme conditions and ... view the full minutes text for item 82. |