Agenda and draft minutes

Licensing Sub-Committee (SMDC) - Wednesday, 14th March, 2018 10.00 am

Venue: The Council Chamber, Moorlands House, Stockwell Street, Leek. View directions

Contact: Mr Pat Trafford Email: or Tel: 01538 395613 

No. Item


Request to Licence Private Hire Vehicles pdf icon PDF 215 KB

Additional documents:







Meeting:         Wednesday 14th March 2018


Present:                        Councillor P Jackson (Chairman)

                                                  Councillor B Johnson

                                      Councillor B Hughes


                                                         Ms N de Bruin              Legal Services Solicitor


Vehicles: Renault Master, Registration BU05 DVA, and,

Renault Master, Registration SX55 APZ




·         Mr G Goldstraw, Applicant, with Ms K Clowes supporting

·         Mr T Towers:  Senior Officer (Housing, Public Health and Licensing)




The hearing was called to consider a request for a grant of two Private Hire Vehicle Licences outwith the Staffordshire Moorlands District Council Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing Policy 2016 (‘the Policy’)

No interests were declared.


The Licensing Officer confirmed there were no new matters arising.  Having read the papers and listened to what the attendees had to say the Sub-Committee made the following decision:




The Sub-Committee considered the report before them and representation made to them.  They determined to approve both applications to licence the proposed vehicles as requested for 12 months.




The purpose of the mileage limitation in the policy was to ensure that private hire vehicles that are likely to be running at high mileage annually would be suitable for such use, both in terms of engine robustness, safety and condition of the interior of the vehicle.


While grant of the licences was outwith the Council’s policy these vehicles were highly specialist vehicles that were known to have been regularly and well maintained throughout their entire past operation. The internal condition of the vehicle appeared to be relatively good and the mileage was not significantly above the policy limit.  In addition this particular operator had their own garage facilities and appeared to have robust maintenance procedures.


Granting the licences would add to the limited number of vehicles capable of carrying more than one disabled passenger at the same time in the District and so was to be welcomed at a time when provision of such transport by the County Council appeared to be decreasing and there appeared to be a need for vehicles suitably adapted to carry passengers with mobility needs in the District.


Dated 14 March 2018







Chairman of the Licensing Sub-Committee