Venue: The Council Chamber, Moorlands House, Stockwell Street, Leek. View directions
Contact: Mr Pat Trafford Email: or Tel: 01538 395613
No. | Item |
Review of Premises Licence for Stanleys, 23-25 St Edward Street, Leek PDF 116 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Applicant: Staffordshire Police represented by PC James Finn and accompanied by PS Karen Cooke from Staffordshire Police Licensing Team, and joining the meeting part way through PC Andy Platt and SC Gibson from the local Policing Team
Licensee: Mr Ranvir S Gill accompanied by Mr Sam Dawson, manager
For the Licensing Authority: M Towers, Senior Licensing Officer
Also attending as observers, throughout or for part: Councillor Bowen, Executive portfolio holder for licensing, Ms Abigail Hill from the Leek Post and Times, Mel Steadman, Licensing Officer and Mark Hitchen, Community Protection Officer
Introduction The hearing was called to consider an application by the Staffordshire Police Northern Licensing Unit for a review of the premises licence for Stanleys, 23-25 St Edward Street, Leek, ST13 5DR under Section 51 of the Licensing Act 2003 on the grounds of the following Licensing Objectives:- · The Prevention of Crime and Disorder; · Public Safety; · The Protection of Children from Harm. None of the Councillors declared an interest in the application although Councillor Lockett wished it to be noted that as a Leek Councillor she did know Mr Gill.
Representations from PC Finn were made on behalf of the Staffordshire Police, from Mr Gill on his own behalf as licensee and from Mr Towers on behalf of the Licensing Authority. The Sub-Committee also viewed CCTV/police body cam recordings made on the nights of the 27.11.16, 10.12.16, 13.2.17 and 12.5.17 and considered one item of further information submitted by the police which had been served on Mr Gill prior to the meeting.
Decision The Sub-Committee carefully considered the report, the content of the DVDs submitted by Staffordshire Police and all the representations made to them on behalf of all parties. The s182 Guidance and the Council’s Licensing Policy were considered.
In accordance with section 52(4) Licensing Act 2003 the Sub-Committee determined to revoke the licence.
Reasons for the decision There had been a number of breaches of licence conditions as set out in the evidence from the police that had not been rectified in a timely way. Failure to adhere to licence conditions had undermined the licensing objectives of prevention of crime and disorder, public safety and the protection of children from harm. Advice given to the licensee regarding compliance with conditions and drug use at the premises had not been implemented or had been implemented very slowly and evidence showed that drug use at the premises including in areas to which members of the public ought not to have access continued, crime appeared to be taking place in the premises on a regular basis.
It appeared that the licensee had committed a criminal offence by serving underage persons which offence could have avoided by compliance with his licensing conditions relating to Challenge 25 on which he’d had clear advice from Trading Standards. The CCTV had not been functioning in accord with conditions since at least October 2015, although the Sub-Committee accepted that it may be working now.
The licensee did not appear to be attending PubWatch ... view the full minutes text for item 1. |