Venue: The Octagon Lounge, Pavilion Gardens, Buxton. View directions
No. | Item |
To receive Disclosures of Interest on any matters before the Committee Minutes: Councillor Grooby declared an ‘other’ interest in agenda item 4, Proposals and Timetable for the Future High street Fund/Heritage Action Zone (reason: Member of Buxton Civic Association).
Councillor Hall declared an ‘other’ interest in agenda item 4, Proposals and Timetable for the Future High street Fund/Heritage Action Zone (reason: Member of Buxton Civic Association).
Councillor Kemp declared an ‘other’ interest in agenda item 4, Proposals and Timetable for the Future High street Fund/Heritage Action Zone (reason: Member of Vision Buxton, Buxton Town Team and Buxton Civic Association).
Councillor Savage declared an ‘other’ interest in agenda item 4, Proposals and Timetable for the Future High street Fund/Heritage Action Zone (reason: Member of Buxton Civic Association).
Councillor Thrane declared an ‘other’ interest in agenda item 4, Proposals and Timetable for the Future High street Fund/Heritage Action Zone (reason: Member of Buxton Civic Association).
Proposals and Timetable for the Future High Street Fund/Heritage Action Zone Minutes: It was noted that the special meeting (paragraph 16.7 of article 4 of the Constitution refers) had been requested by Councillors Ashton, Grooby, Kemp, Lawson and Roberts. The Councillors requested that the Economy and Growth Committee receive from the responsible Executive Councillor, the Chief Executive and other appropriate officers, a full background briefing and proposals/timetable for future action on the details of the Council’s forthcoming bid to the government’s Future High Street Fund (including the implementation of the Heritage Action Zone element of funding already agreed). The next scheduled Economy and Growth Committee on 26 March 2020 would not maximise the time available for the proposals to be considered and potentially amended before the Council’s bid had to be made by the end of April.
Consideration was given to the contents and structure of the report and it was unanimously agreed that the report up to and including paragraph 4.22 could be discussed and minuted in Part 1 as there would not be disclosure of exempt information as defined in Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972.
Issues discussed included: · Appointment process and procedures having been properly adhered to and compliant with Council policy · Public and stakeholder perception of events · Consultants specialised in retail investment · Stakeholder responses · Notional conflict · Future practice, preferences and planned review of procurement procedures · Executive briefing on tenders and local events · Proposals being fully considered at rearranged Committee meetings · Need for support of key members, stakeholders, MP etc · Recent meeting with key stakeholders and response to concerns raised · Focus necessary to receive second stage capital funding · Indicative £3.8 million of private investment required · Support for expression of interest but not necessarily the proposals · Generic proposals rather than specific to need in Buxton · Work undertaken to establish the Buxton Place Making Strategy · Local preferences including linking to the High Street rather than through a shopping centre, need for Further Education provision, an increase in footfall, sustainability, utilising existing buildings, mixed use and a focus on the High Street · Leisure provision and interest · Spring Gardens Centre, occupancy and the Westgate Arcade in Halifax · Request, within constraints, for an urgent meeting with Buxton Civic Association, Vision Buxton, Buxton Town Team and Buxton Councillors to address concerns and deliver the scheme as part of the bigger vision · Comments picked up as part of the Heritage Action Zone · Condensing feedback to groups and the context of responses · Future High Street page on the website and responses · Second stage business case for funding, with displayed plan as an appendix and concept to be shaped as progresses · Masterplan once a clear delivery timetable · Schedule driven by Central Government and needing to work within that framework to utilise investment available · Changing needs of colleges and universities and possible move away from residential courses
Exclusion of Press and Public To resolve that the press and public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following items of business as there may be disclosure of exempt information as defined in Part I of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972
Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business as there be disclosure of exempt information as defined in Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972.
Proposals and Timetable for the Future High Street Fund/Heritage Action Zone Minutes: Consideration was given to the remainder (paragraph 4.23 onwards) of the report.
RESOLVED (unanimously):
1. That, within constraints, an urgent meeting be arranged with Buxton Civic Association, Vision Buxton, Buxton Town Team and Buxton Councillors to address concerns and deliver the scheme as part of the bigger vision.
2. That the discussions, report and contents be noted. |
Buxton Future High Street Fund Initiative - Part One Report PDF 89 KB |