Venue: Virtual
Contact: Helen Gale Telephone: 01298 28400 ex. 2140 Email:
No. | Item |
To approve the minutes of the previous meeting PDF 117 KB Minutes: At this point of the meeting, it was highlighted that the appointment of Chair and Vice-Chair for this Committee and the Future High Street Fund update, was not included on the agenda. It was also queried whether the Memorandum of Understanding had been signed.
Officers advised there had not been any changes on which to update members in relation to the Future High Street Fund. However, project milestones would be reported and brought to members for consideration at a future date. The Memorandum of Understanding with the Government had been signed and sent to MLCG.
If a document was to be signed with Threadneedle, a request was made for this Committee to scutinise this beforehand. Neil Rodgers – Executive Director, gave assurance that there wasn’t a memorandum of understanding with Threadneedle at this point, nor had the matter been discussed.
That the minutes of the meeting held on 21 June 2021 be approved as a correct record, subject to, the paragraph at minute 22/3, being amended to:
It was queried whether meanwhile leases could be offered by private landlords of vacant properties to community groups to establish a community hub in the interim period, which would be investigated, although it was noted that this would have no direct cost implications beyond the investment of time by Officers.
HAZ Cultural Consortium Project - Presentation Minutes: The Committee received a presentation on the Buxton High Streets Heritage Action Zone Programme which covered the following topics:-
· Introduction · Progress · Cultural Programme · Pilot Project: Capturing a Moment · Next Steps: Cultural Programme It was noted that the White Lion pub and the Grove Hotel were priority buildings within the Action Zone and also the damaged urn which was normally situated at the bottom of the Slopes.
Funding had been received from Historic England for the design of the public realm areas which incorporated 3 key areas;- The Gateway, Spring Square and Garden Square. Historic England had agreed with this approach in principal but wished to see more linkage with the High Street.
The Council had tendered to appoint a consultancy firm to manage the design and delivery of the public realm project. It was planned for the contract to be awarded by 13th August 2021, followed by community engagement on the designs until Jan 2022. The ambition was for works to commence at The Gateway (bottom of Terrace Road) by the end of this financial year.
A plan of action for the delivery of priority projects had been produced and would be considered by the Steering Group at its next meeting.
Joanne Williams, Development Director at Buxton International Festival, explained that £100K had been received from Historic England over 3 years to present a programme to celebrate the cultural heritage of Spring Gardens. A number of Cultural Consortia members were involved in the project, along with schools, U3A and the Museum.
A Capturing a Moment event was planned which included a projection on to the M&S building in October this year, a portable graffiti wall and a series of portraits to create a gallery.
Due to some sound issues during the presentation, a briefing note on the cultural aspect of the High Street Heritage Action Zone would be circulated after the meeting.
A member commented on the enthusiasm for the project on social media and that there were many memories that could be incorporated. Previous difficulties experienced to utilise the empty units in Springs Shopping Centre with pop-up stalls were shared with the Committee.
There was concern around a lack of member involvement in the specification for the contract of the design works at The Gateway (Terrace Road) and it was queried when this Committee would have the opportunity to scrutinise the proposals of the public realm area. In response, Sarah Porru advised that Historic England had offered funding for the design of the layout of this area and that it was important for the public to see that the transformation had begun. Details of the procurement of this contract were available on the Council’s website and the tender specification would be shared with members.
Discussion took place around presentations being available prior to meetings and the feasibility of them being accessed via the Modern Gov system.
1) That the presentation be noted; 2) For the presentation, Cultural Briefing Note and tender specification to be circulated to ... view the full minutes text for item 22/10 |
Welcome Back Fund Update - Presentation Minutes: Sarah Porru – Head of Regeneration, gave a presentation to update members on the Welcome Back Fund which included the following topics:-
· An overview of the funding; · Welcome Back High Peak Borough Council (Welcome Back messages for display across each town in highly visible public areas, Place Marketing and a refresh of town centre gateway signs and features); · Welcome Back to Glossop - Glossop Creative Trust CIC (Love Light Festival); · Welcome Back to Buxton - Vision Buxton (coach trip familiarisation and updated town promotion video); · Welcome Back to New Mills - Visit New Mills (organisation of a series of pop-up ‘parks’ in New Mills town centre and 3 x one day events during the festival period 10-26 Sept 2021 to promote Healthy High Street Objectives); · Welcome Back to the Peak District; · Welcome Back Plans for Castleton, Chinley, Chapel-en-le-Frith and Hope parishes; · Contact information. In response to a query around consultation with parishes and a lack of scrutiny by members, it was confirmed that all parishes had been contacted. Councillor Ashton requested that that a copy of the email sent to all parishes was sent to him.
Members were advised that there had been a short timescale of two weeks to apply for this funding which impacted the level of scrutiny. The Chair suggested that an all member briefing may be useful for future funding schemes when time was limited for consultation. Due to an underspend, there was still opportunity to apply for funding should members be aware of any projects which fit the criteria.
Discussion took place around the distribution of a regular senior management overview/memo to assist with communication. The Leader agreed to discuss this with the Chief Executive.
RESOLVED: That the presentation be noted. |
Select Committee Work Programme PDF 194 KB Minutes: The Committee requested for the following items to be added to the Work Programme:-
- Outcome of the tender for the public realm area at the bottom of Terrace Road, Buxton; - Employment Rates following the end of the furlough scheme; - Levelling Up.
A request was also made for the Forward Plan to be updated
That subject to the above, the Select Committee Work Programme, be noted. |
Exclusion of Press and Public To resolve that the press and public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following items of business as there may be disclosure of exempt information as defined in Part I of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972
Minutes: That the press and public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following items of business as there may be disclosure of exempt information as set out in Part I of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972.
Exempt Minutes of the previous meeting Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the exempt minutes of the meeting held on 21 June 2021 be approved as a correct record |