Agenda and minutes

Economy and Growth Select Committee - Thursday, 16th September, 2021 6.30 pm

Venue: Virtual Meeting

Contact: Helen Gale Telephone: 01298 28400 ex. 2140  Email:


No. Item


To approve the minutes of the previous meeting pdf icon PDF 389 KB




That the minutes of the meeting held on 22 July 2021 be approved as a correct record.



Town Team Travel Plan Consultation - Presentation by Buxton Town Team


Tina Heathcote and Derek Bodey made a presentation to members about the consultation process undertaken around the Wole Town Sustainable Travel Plan which is being developed by Buxton Town Team (a copy of the presentation is attached).


A range of aspects were covered in the consultation including accessibility and inclusion, walking & cycling, public transport, movement through town, goods deliveries and electric vehicles and the main action points arising from the consultation were set out.  It was noted that some of the proposals were less relevant to residents but would be important to visitors.


Research which informed the consultation included a range of surveys and information and data contributed by members of the working group.  The effect of the covid pandemic was also considered and as there was more active travel and less car use, and in was recognised that the provision of clearly designated walking and riding routes would advance behavioural change. 


The following matters were discussed:

·         Congestion and commuting through town

·         Limited train access

·         Encourage children to be dropped off some distance from school but need for walking buses, flexibility from employers

·         Possibility for employers to use small buses to pick employees up

·         Some concern around how and with whom the consultation was done

·         Reassurance sought that consultation has been undertaken with local residents  who use suggested routes on a regular basis to identify pinch points etc

·         Possibility of having different lanes for walkers and cyclists

·         The age of respondents was queried – it was noted that it was anticipated that visits would be made to local schools to engage young people

·         Those surveyed include train users, shops, small businesses, large businesses, visitors and residents.  Detailed analysis of the respondents to be done.

·         Possibility for hire car scheme

·         Work with Buxton Opera House and Northern Rail to try and time performances to promote greater use of public transport, in conjunction with the promotion of Buxton as a destination

·         Safety for walkers and cyclists



Tina and Derek were thanked for their presentation.


Buxton Safer Walk & Ride Routes pdf icon PDF 245 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee considered the work of the Town Team to develop the Walk & Ride Network to date, together with the potential implications for the Council if the project were to be fully endorsed.  It was noted at paragraph 3.2 of the repot that the WALK & Ride Network is a Buxton Town Team proposal, and that HPBC are not leading or responsible for the project.


Concerns were expressed regarding the level of consultation with local ward members, and members sought the support of other councillors to ensure that there would be proper consultation with ward members and the that the Council would contribute to the decision making on this project.  Members were advised that the project was being developed via a multi team approach and was not within the direct control of HPBC, but there would be engagement with ward members and those comments would be recorded in further reports.  Concerns already expressed around some of the proposed routes were acknowledged.


Safety concerns around the shared areas for pedestrians and cyclists were discussed, and particular reference was made to the need for appropriate signage in those areas.  Members were advised that DCC had indicated that the principle of shared spaces was long established, but that the concerns could be fed formally into the process.  Further analysis of the proposed routes would be presented in a further report to committee. 




1.    That the work of the Town Team to date to develop the Walk and Ride Network be noted;


2.    That the potential implications for the Council if the project were to be fully endorsed, be noted; and


3.    That Ward Councillors affected by the route will be engaged in the process before any decision is made.





Review and Renewal of Torr Vale Mill Memorandum of Understanding pdf icon PDF 149 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee considered an update on progress with the regeneration of Torr Vale Mill, New Mills and reviewed the Memorandum of Understanding first entered into in 2018 with Derbyshire County Council (DCC). Historic England (HE), Torr Vale Mill Preservation Trust (TVMPT) and Torr Vale Mills Limited (TVML) as the owner of Torr Vale Mill.




That the Executive be recommended to approve that High Peak Borough Council

re-enters an updated Memorandum of Understanding with Derbyshire County Council, Historic England, Torr Vale Mill Preservation Trust and Torr Vale Mills Limited to help facilitate collaborative work towards a share development plan for specified areas of the Mill.


Buxton Projects Update pdf icon PDF 157 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee considered an update on a number of initiatives of relevance to Buxton, namely, Visitor Economy Strategy & Buxton Branding, Future High Street Fund (FHSF) and Heritage Action Zone (HAZ) Governance, FHSF and HAZ Projects, Buxton Health Hub and Buxton Civic Groups.


IN response to a query regarding the HAZ projects, members were advised that the IBI Group had been appointed to do the public realm design consultancy ON Spring Gardens as set out in paragraph 7.16 of the report. It was suggested that it may be appropriate to include the Chair of Corporate Select Committee on the stakeholder group.


An amendment was necessary to paragraph 7.5 of the report to refer to Refreshingly Buxton.  It was added that the study omits heritage, and should include the roman heritage of Buxton.




1.    That the works undertaken to deliver Visitor Economy Strategy (VES) actions to date, including development of new branding and proposed for annual monitoring be noted;


2.    That the updated governance structure, with identified named participants and current project working arrangements, be endorsed;


3.    That works currently being undertaken to support project delivery be noted.


Select Committee Work Programme pdf icon PDF 179 KB


Updates around the Crescent and the Opera House were requested for the December meeting.


The project milestone for the FHSF would be reported to Corporate Select Committee.



That subject to the above, the Select Committee Work Programme be noted.


Exclusion of Press and Public

To resolve that the press and public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following items of business as there may be disclosure of exempt information as defined in Part I of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972





That the press and public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following item of business as there may be disclosure of exempt information as set out in Part I of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972.


HIF Fairfield Roundabout – Update Report


Members considered an update on the HIF Fairfield Roundabout project, which was noted.