Venue: Octagon Lounge, Pavilion Gardens, Buxton
Contact: Rachel Rourke Telephone: 01298 28400 ex. 2139 Email:
No. | Item |
Any matters referred to the Committee under the call-in procedure Minutes: None |
To approve the minutes of the previous meeting PDF 115 KB Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the minutes of the meeting held on 26 January 2023 be approved as a correct record. |
Buxton Crescent Heritage Trust - Presentation by Jennifer Spencer and Stephen Owen Minutes: Jennifer Spencer (Chair of Trustees) and Stephen Owen (CEO) of Buxton Crescent Heritage Trust made a presentation to the committee around the background and progress to date of the work of the Trust in developing and running the Visitor Experience, Visitor Centre and events in the Assembly Rooms within the Crescent Hotel. Information was provided around the Visitor Centre and The Visitor Experience, particularly statistics relating to usage and growth in retail sales, the varied programme of events held in the Pump Room and the Assembly Rooms and the education programme.
The Trust’s vision is to make Buxton an internationally recognised town to benefit all and the importance of working with local partners was stressed, including the Crescent hotel as a key partner but also through community engagement and partnership. Work was ongoing around education in collaboration with partners including the museum and art gallery, and it was anticipated that there would be an offer for key stage 3/4/5 by March 2025. Work was also on-going with the University of Derby around audience engagement.
Discussion ensured around funding with the Trust applying to numerous funding bodies, including the HLF and being sponsored by bodies including Nestle. The Friends Scheme is to be re-launched and work is ongoing around additional fundraising ideas. The Trust has been invited to apply for HLF resilience funding which would cover core costs and work with the Trust to help it be more sustainable and build it’s business. Reference was also made to assistance provided by the Council in the form of a loan and the secondment of staff to the TIC.
That the presentation be noted, and Jennifer and Stephen be thanked for their attendance. |
Select Committee Work Programme PDF 106 KB Minutes: It was requested that an item around employment land be included within the work programme, specifically around getting sites in place and them being useable as employment sites and whether there are additional means to support allocations or funds available to support the development of industrial units.
In response to comments made regarding the work programme, the Leader advised that a process had now been established whereby the Chairs of each Select Committee would be appointed at Annual Council which would then enable them in meet in advance of the first meetings of each committee to start to develop the work programmes, which would include both standard items and more accurate planning for other items. Members added that when councillors request items to be added to the work programme, they should state the purpose of that item. The programming of meetings and agenda despatch was also discussed.
The Chair thanked Councillors and Officers for their support during his term of office.
That, subject to the above comments, the Select Committee Work Programme be noted.
Nutrient Neutrality - Progress Report PDF 312 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee considered a report which provided a refresh on the advice given by Natural England to manage phosphates in the water in the special Area of Conservation and provided an update on the progress of the Nutrient Neutrality strategy and action plan for the Borough which seeks to address this.
Members were advised that as set out within the report, the Council is working with partners to identify and deliver a calculator which can be used to assess the impact of development and alongside this, a mitigation strategy to support development to help provide own solutions. Mitigation measure could be funded through developer contributions or by purchasing nutrients credits via a nutrient trading scheme.
It is anticipated that the draft calculator will be received within weeks for review / testing prior to implementation, when all planned development can be reviewed to determine what mitigation is required. Work is also on-going with the consultants to ensure that the data used is as up to date as possible and suits local circumstances.
Discussion also ensued around the Strategic Flood Risk Assessment and on-going work to support the review of the Local Plan.
That the progress to date, be noted.
Whaley Bridge Neighbourhood Plan - Regulation 15 submission PDF 306 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee considered the submission Draft (Regulation 15) version of the Whaley Bridge Neighbourhood Plan to determine whether it has followed the proposed legal process and that the legal requirements for consultation have been followed.
1. That it be noted that the Peak District National Park have already signed off these documents under a delegated decision;
2. That the submission documents for the Regulation 15 stage be noted and the Executive be recommended that:
· The Whaley Bridge Neighbourhood Development Plan (Appendix 1) be approved for public consultation for a six week period (Regulation 16) after the May elections · That the commencement of the appointment of an Examiner and organisation of the independent examination be approved. |
Any questions referred to the Executive Member (Member Services to be advised of any questions at least 4 days prior to the meeting) Minutes: None |
Exclusion of Press and Public To resolve that the press and public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following item of business as there may be disclosure of exempt informaiton as defineed in Part I of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the press and public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following item of business as there may be disclosure of exempt information as defined in Part I of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 |
Exempt Minutes of the previous meeting Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the exempt minutes of the meeting held on 26 January 2023 be approved as a correct record. |