Agenda and minutes

Economy and Growth Select Committee - Thursday, 25th May, 2017 6.30 pm

Venue: The Board Room, Pavilion Gardens, Buxton. View directions

No. Item


Appointment of Chairman and Vice-Chairman for 2017/18 pdf icon PDF 66 KB

Additional documents:




That Councillor A McKeown be appointed as Chair and Councillor Grooby be appointed as Vice-Chair of Economy and Growth Select Committee for the 2017/18 Municipal Year.



Bitesize Briefing


There was a presentation on the remit, work programme and role of the Economy and Growth Select Committee.  The scrutiny process, decision making structure, forward plan, task and finish groups and role of officers were discussed.


Consideration was also given to non-operational land and a member working group, to possibly consider monitoring performance targets including housing repairs and voids.




That the presentation be received with thanks.




Presentation on Growth Strategy


There was a presentation on the High Peak Draft Growth Strategy.  Issues covered included:

·         Priorities

·         Key economic sectors

·         Economic focus

·         Accelerated housing delivery programme

·         Completions

·         Open for business within the regulatory framework

·         Delivery of unimplemented sites – on site and pipeline

·         Maximising available resources

·         High Peak Housing portfolio

·         Impact of growth


Consideration was given to:

·         Affordable housing

·         Constraints on right to buy funding

·         Delivering small and medium size employment sites

·         Local Plan

·         Need for transport infrastructure improvements

·         Possible work programme item on infrastructure/strategic rail links

·         Cost of by-pass at Fairfield not justified by anticipated housing delivery

·         Delivering mechanisms for economic growth

·         Growth Strategy to be considered at the next meeting

·         Taking into account the needs of residents

·         Business newsletter, events, Chamber of Commerce meetings, helping with bids and working with the Growth Hub

·         Working with the Peak District National Park Authority




That the Growth Strategy be scrutinised by the Select Committee and the presentation be received with thanks.


Select Committee Work Programme pdf icon PDF 47 KB


The following amendments were made:

·         A628 and other infrastructure updates (External partners to be invited to attend)

·         Growth Strategy to next meeting

·         Update/s on Peak Park Local Plan

·         Annual/quarterly housing/growth monitoring reports

·         Update on IT schemes

·         Possible update to Community Select on Fairfield Road Project


RESOLVED: That the work programme as amended be noted.