Venue: The Cafe, Pavilion Gardens, Buxton. View directions
No. | Item |
To approve the minutes of the previous meeting PDF 121 KB Minutes: With reference to minute 18/18, it was reported that Councillor Sizeland had declared an interest once it had become apparent that her family had a pecuniary interest in agenda item 5.
That, subject to the above amendment, the minutes of the meeting held on 23 November 2017 be approved as a correct record. |
Chair's Announcement - Variation of Order Minutes: The Chair announced that agenda item 8, “Bingswood Industrial Estate – Access and Infrastructure for Employment” would be considered prior to agenda item 7, “High Peak Design Guide – Supplementary Planning Document. |
Vision Buxton Bid - Presentation by Vision Buxton An executive summary of the Buxton BID Feasibility Study can be downloaded from the Vision Buxton web site
Minutes: The Chair reported that Vision Buxton had presented the Council with additional information regarding the Buxton BID on Monday which needed to be assessed by Council Officers, and therefore the presentation had been deferred to the meeting of the Committee to be held in April. |
A628 Update - Presentation by Highways England Minutes: The Committee received a presentation from Highways England regarding the trans pennine upgrade. Following a period of public consultation, the preferred route had been announced which was Mottram Moor and A57 Link Roads Option A. There was now a further period of the public consultation between 12 February and 25 March.
It was noted that the route would not now include the climbing lanes east bound on the A628, The preferred route was outlined to Members and included a new exit off the existing roundabout at the end of the M67 which would be signalised, a Mottram underpass and a new link road towards Glossop which would have a junction at Bookfield.
Members expressed concern regarding the removal of the climbing lanes, expressing the view that they would have helped speed up traffic flow. The Committee were advised that the Peak District National Park had opposed the inclusion of the climbing lanes in the scheme, and they had not been included in this announcement as they did not make a strong case for capacity or safety, but were still under consideration and could be included future routes.
Existing traffic problems were in existence at the roundabout at the end of the M67, which members were advised would be addressed by the signalisation of the roundabout and the de-trunking of that part of the A57 and the imposition of traffic calming measures and changed priorities at the junction of the A57 and Mottram Road.
A junction was to be created at Brookfield rather than a roundabout in an effort to balance out the traffic. Modelling was on-going to determine what measures could be undertaken within the wider community to assist traffic flow on the A57.
It was anticipated that the new route should be open for traffic by 2023. Members were reassured of Highways England commitment to the scheme so long as it contributed to provide value for money.
1. That the presentation be welcomed;
2. That the inclusion of climbing lanes in the scheme be part of the Councils response to the consultation. |
Bingswood Industrial Estate - Access and Infrastructure for Employment PDF 468 KB Minutes: The Committee considered a report which sets out the results of long running negotiations with the owners of businesses at Bingswood Industrial Estate in Whaley Bridge, aimed at securing a commitment from the businesses to make a significant contribution to build a new bridge and associated infrastructure to improve access on the estate and to reduce HGV congestion in the town centre. The report advised that following prolonged negotiations, no businesses were willing to make this contribution and without this contribution, state aid rules precluded the use of public sector funding as the sole source of funding. Therefore, the project was undeliverable in its present form prior to the expiry of a critical land option held by the council.
The Executive Councillor advised members that there was a possibility that a bridge could be delivered as a private development by one landowner. It was therefore proposed to close down work on the stalled project and use all available resources to explore the possibility of delivering this more modest option that could deliver a large part of the original goals.
Concern was expressed at the recommendation to close the project, with the view made that the bridge was the best option for opening up the land to extend the industrial estate and creating new jobs in the area. The Executive Member commented that having been involved in the project for many years, it was the best solution, but was now undeliverable in the available time because the unwillingness of the businesses to contribute had prevented access to essential public funding.
It was commented that work should continue with united utilities to prevent the sale of the land for the bridge footing on the south side, the council’s option on which was due to expire by the end of March 2018.
The commitment of DCC and the LEP to the project was discussed, but members were advised that the LEP had made it clear that any public funding must be matched by significant contribution from the private sector beneficiaries, and similarly with DCC. Due to the lack private sector contribution, both bodies had now withdrawn any provisional commitment and there was no money currently allocated in either budget to support a publicly funded project.
It was suggested that negotiations should continue with the businesses, stressing the need to addresses the HGV movements in the town centre which could lead to the re-location of the existing businesses on the industrial estate and the associated costs. It was confirmed that discussions would continue with both the businesses and Town Council.
Reference was made to a recent meeting between Whaley Bridge Town Council and HPBC, which the Executive member was aware of. It was suggested that the businesses were now willing to make a contribution, and the committee were advised that if this was the case then consideration would be given to continuing with the project while also pursuing the other option in tandem, but that it would likely be impossible within the timescales. It ... view the full minutes text for item 18/28 |
High Peak Design Guide - Supplementary Planning Document PDF 461 KB Minutes: The Committee were presented with the draft High Peak Design Guide, which had been subject to consultation with the public and OPUN, the Architecture and Design Centre for the East Midlands, which promotes good architectural design. Following this consultation, it was recommended that the amended design guide be adopted as a Supplementary Planning Document.
1. That the consultation comments and officers’ responses to them be noted;
2. That the Executive be requested to recommend that Council adopts the Design Guide;
3. That the Executive be recommended to delegate approval to officers to make any technical updates to the design guide, including the detailed appendices, as required. |
Right to Buy receipts: Update Report PDF 296 KB Minutes: The Committee considered progress in allocating Right to Buy receipts.
Specific reference was made to the grant allocation towards providing an additional 10 units of affordable rented extra care units at Brown Edge Road, Buxton, and officers were thanked for their efforts in bringing this scheme forward.
That the update on allocating RTB receipts be noted. |
Select Committee Work Programme PDF 117 KB Minutes: RESOVLED:
That the Select Committee work programme be noted. |