Venue: The Cafe, Pavilion Gardens, Buxton. View directions
No. | Item |
To receive Disclosures of Interest on any matters before the Committee Minutes: Councillor Claff declared an other interest in agenda item 7 (National Planning Policy Framework Consultation) - reason: asked by local residents in ward to support them on an issue concerning a local green space. |
To approve the minutes of the previous meeting Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the minutes of the meeting held on 8 February 2018 be approved as a correct record.
Business Improvement Districts An executive summary of the Buxton BID Feasibility Study can be downloaded from the Vision Buxton web site and the full Feasibility Study is also available. A printed copy of the Feasibility Study will be circulated to Committee members. Philip Barton and Roddie Maclean to attend.
Ian Howarth and Mike Hunter (Opposition to Bid scheme) to attend. Additional documents: Minutes: It was reported that the Council had provided information in accordance with the Government’s technical guide for local authorities regarding BIDs. Officers and the portfolio holder had remained neutral throughout the process as councillors at a later date may be asked to vote on the merits of establishing a BID. Neither the Council or officers had expressed any view to date, formally or informally, either in support of or against the idea.
There was presentation by Philip Barton, Roddie MaClean and Dick Silson on the Buxton Bid Feasibility Study. The first phase of the bid formation process, key objective, possible levy , options to be considered and next steps were outlined.
There was a second presentation by Ian Howarth and Mike Hunter, opposition to Bid scheme. Background of the Opposition Group, experiences elsewhere, criteria for any bid, feasibility study funding, expectations and the tendering and voting process were outlined.
Issues raised included: · Bid concept and feasibility study rather than a proposal. · Any bid possibly expecting to raise £1m over 5 years, based on Rateable Value and voluntary contributions. · Different total Rateable Values and areas included.. · Services already provided, potential effect and protecting. · Cost of funding administration. · Meeting to identify Task Force. · Bid company limited by guarantee to deliver the BID plan. · Council contribution. · Possible future Council decision.
1. That the presentation be received with thanks.
2. That the report be noted.
Skills - Presentation by Lindsay Allen D2N2 LEP Minutes: Lindsay Wetton, Senior Programme Manager, gave an update on the D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership and Growth Hub. Reviewing the Strategic Economic Plan, Local Growth Fund, economy overview, growth projections and skills were outlined.
That the presentation be received with thanks.
National Planning Policy Framework Consultation Minutes: Consideration was given to proposals in the draft National Planning Policy Framework and recommendations regarding responding to the consultation.
Issues raised included protecting the greenbelt and the need for affordable housing, standard methodology and development obligations being met.
RESOLVED: That the proposals in the draft National Planning Policy Framework be noted and the Local Government Association be worked with to submit a joint response (Option 1 in Section 5 of the report), including the issues raised above.
Growth and Planning - Presentation Minutes: There was a presentation by Ben Haywood, Operations Manager – Development Services, on growth and planning. Local plan housing requirements, completions, accelerated delivery, Open for Business approach, process changes and improvements negotiated were outlined. Discussion took place on balancing the needs of residents and those of businesses.
That the presentation be received with thanks.
Gateway Improvement Programme Additional documents: Minutes: Consideration was given to a Gateway Improvements Programme to act as a catalyst to the development of strategically important “Gateway Zones” at the Fairfield to Station Road corridor in Buxton and the A57 western entrance to Glossop.
Discussion took place on: · Screening at Buxton · Delivery · A628 works in Glossop improving the chance of development · Exploring options · Updating bus stops including providing seating at the stop on the way out of Buxton · Heritage Lottery Fund · Working with landlords and the Landlord Accreditation Scheme
That the Executive be recommended to:
(a) Authorise officers to establish a Gateway Improvements Programme as set out in the report with an initial focus on the Fairfield to Station Road corridor in Buxton and the A57 western entrance to Glossop;
(b) Authorise officers to work on two early projects as part of the programme and subject to further details being brought back to the Executive as follows:
i. Proposals aimed at improving the front appearance of properties along the west side of Fairfield Road Buxton via a targeted grant scheme and improvements to front forecourt gardens
ii. Prepare proposals to improve the site and area around the former Spread Eagle Public House (Riverside Inn) at Woolley Bridge where the new proposed junction of A57 and Wooley Lane is proposed in Glossop.
Select Committee Work Programme Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the Select Committee Work Programme be noted. |