Agenda and minutes

Climate Change Working Group (HPBC) - Wednesday, 24th March, 2021 6.30 pm

Venue: Virtual


No. Item


Chair's Announcement


The Chair confirmed that the meeting was being broadcast live to the internet via the Council’s website and was capable of repeated viewing. The images and sound recording may be used for training purposes within the Council. All were asked to keep to the speaking guidelines which were outlined.  Any views expressed by any speaker in the meeting are the speaker’s own and do not necessarily reflect the views of High Peak Borough Council.



Minutes of the previous meeting pdf icon PDF 113 KB


The presentation from the Head of Development Services at the last meeting would be circulated.


It was requested that an item around the general principles around a low carbon advertising policy be added to the agenda for the next meeting.




That the minutes of the meeting held on 3 March 2021 be approved as a correct record.


Actions since the last meeting - verbal update


Actions since the last meeting included:

·         the wording for the article on the website was awaiting approval

·         various training events had been attended by members and officers including the APSE Energy Summit and an event around Rising to the Challenge of Climate Emergency.

·         The Biodiversity Group had met once

·         A meeting had been held with other authorities in the Local Energy Partnership around the local authority delivery of phase 2 of the Green Homes Grant


Update on Draft Action Plan - verbal update


The following updates on the action plan were made:

·         The divestment motion had been considered by the Performance Framework Working Group who agreed that it was appropriate for this to be included as part of the Treasury Management report to Audit & Regulatory Committee

·         A meeting had been convened with High Peak Green Network to follow up the input they have made to the action plan.  There were opportunities to look at the SMDC version as well.

·         Anthesis who had produced the Scatter tool had been engaged to do an analysis of the borough level of carbon emissions and trajectories

·         an analysis of energy use within our buildings would also be undertaken via the Scatter tool


It was requested that in future, the action plan be updated and circulated in advance of each meeting.


It was reported that AES had reduced their carbon output by 88 metric tonnes as a result of investing in new vehicles.




That the updates be noted.


Theme - Commercial Buildings and Industry

(a)  Decarbonise Scheme for SMEs in Derbyshire – Liz Pasteur, DCC


(b)  Role of East Midlands Chamber in Sustainable East Midlands Campaign – Ian Bates, East Midlands Chamber


(c)   The Cement and Lime Industry in High Peak and Beyond Net Zero 2050 Roadmap – Spencer Green, Breedon Group



De-Carbonise Scheme


Liz Pasteur from Derbyshire County Council made a presentation to the Working Group around the De-Carbonise scheme which was a collaboration between Derby City Council, DCC and the University of Derby which aimed to reduce carbon emissions for businesses.  A copy of the presentation is attached.  Grant funding was available until October 2022 to support carbon reduction, although it was noted that funding had run out for Derbyshire at the moment but other grants and support were available. Ways in which businesses could be helped were set out and included lighting, heating and insulation, compressed air and heat recovery, resource efficiency and renewable energy. 

In response to a query, members were advised that the project started in November 2019 and followed on from the D2 energy efficiency scheme.  The scheme was funded jointly by the councils and the ERDF.  Regarding grants for heating, grants had been provided for gas heating where carbon savings would be made due to a lack of alternative options.


Sustainable East Midlands


Ian Bates from East Midlands Chamber made a presentation around the Sustainable East Midlands Project which aims to increase awareness and engagement among businesses with the sustainability agenda, while pushing the region to the forefront of the UKs ‘Build Back Greener’ vision for the post-Covid economy. A copy of the presentation is attached.  A number of goals were set out which were being delivered via a suite of forums / conferences and summits.  A business network magazine was produced, together with online resources and signposting to funded support.  An Environmental Impact Award would also be made.


Regarding educating the public sector, it was reported that DCC were changing their procurement process and discussions were taking place with local authorities around embedded carbon or indirect carbon footprints.  Reference was made to businesses being more amenable to reducing office space to enable staff to work at home or within hubs.


Beyond Net Zero 2050 roadmap – Breedon


Spencer Green from the Breedon Group made a presentation around the OK Concrete and Cement Industry Roadmap to Beyond Net Zero.  A copy of the presentation is attached.  Generally, carbon production had been reduced by over 50% due to efficiencies, improvements and plant rationalisation.  The use of low carbon cements and concrete carbon capture were essential for the sector and this was being achieved by resource efficiencies including technological changes to the product and additive manufacturing.   It was noted that through carbonation and thermal mass, when concrete is in the in-built environment it draws carbon back into it and can absorb about 20% of its process emissions and this continues once concrete is demolished.  The Government’s goal by 2032 was discussed and recommendations around how the public sector could achieve this target were set out.


With reference to carbon capture, members were advised that research was on-going at the moment with a pilot project starting in Norway.  Technology more suitable to the cement industry was in early development.  Regarding the drop in emissions from the cement industry,  ...  view the full minutes text for item 40.


Dates of Future Meetings

1.    22 April – Agriculture and Land Use

2.    20 May - Waste

3.    Date TBC – Energy Supply


Dates of future meetings are:


22 April – Agriculture and Land Use

20 May – Waste

Date TBC – Energy Supply