Venue: Virtual Meeting. View directions
Contact: Rachel Rourke - 01298 28400 ex. 2139 Email:
No. | Item |
Appointment of Chair Minutes: RESOLVED:
That Councillor J Taylor be appointed as Chair of the Housing Board. |
To receive Disclosures of Interest on any matters before the Committee i) Disclosable Pecuniary Interests ii) Other Interests Minutes: It was noted that there were tenants in the meeting who have been appointed to the Board as Tenant Representatives. |
Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the Terms of Reference be approved. |
Update on Compliance and Performance Measures of Housing Minutes: The Board received an update on Compliance and Performance Measures of Housing, which included several metrics from anti-social behaviour to repairs of the housing stock to turnover of the housing stock.
The Board would be involved in the development of key performance indicators which would enable the Board to judge the housing service effectively. Several examples of reports to be presented were set out including topics for inclusion that had been selected following feedback from councillors and tenants and regulatory requirements and obligations.
Information was presented regarding the total number of complaints, housing disrepair claims, tenant engagement, backlog repairs for April 2023 – December 2023, ASB reports and compliance. The Board was advised that work on ASB matters was being undertaken with other agencies jointly including the police and that this would be looked at in more detail. In respect of housing disrepair claims, further work is being undertaken to investigate the validity of claims and mitigate their occurrence. Compliance measures were reported around gas and heating, asbestos, fire, electrical, water hygiene, lifts, and CO detectors. Issues were collated via geographical patch so targeted work could be undertaken in those areas.
The Board was asked to consider whether there were any particular issues to be included in future reporting.
That the update be noted. |
Programme of Policy Reviews PDF 251 KB Minutes: A programme of planned policy reviews had been circulated.
It was noted that the Tenants’ Engagement Group was developing a policy around compensation, which arose from amendments to the tenancy agreements whereby if tenants do not allow access to their property for a planned appointment a charge can be levied. The Group considered that it was important there was some equality in that arrangement, so a policy was being developed which would be presented to the Board by the Tenants Engagement Group in due course.
The Board was asked to consider whether any policy reviews needed to be added to the timetable. It was noted that the Tenants’ Engagement Group meet on a fortnightly basis and would routinely consider policy reviews, prior to them being submitted to the Board.
That the programme of policy reviews be noted. |
TSM Report and Tenant Profiles PDF 2 MB Additional documents: Minutes: The High Peak Borough Council TSM Report 2023/24 and Tenant Profiles had been circulated. The report set out the results of an independent satisfaction survey of tenants to collect data on their opinions of, and attitudes towards, their landlord and the services provided.
Overall satisfaction levels with the key metrics were at 77% with higher levels recorded for the provision of a safe home, treating tenants fairly and with respect and the repairs service over the last 12 months. Particular reference was made to the net promoter score of 21, which was good compared to other landlords.
Reference was made to satisfaction and dissatisfaction levels, and the Board was advised that there would be a focus on those areas towards the lower end of the satisfaction levels, such as complaints handling, where work is on-going to use dedicated staff resource to triage complaints in the first instance. Work was also on-going to identify what is required around the housing repairs service together with key recruitment activities.
A member queried how many clients Acuity have and whether their clients are similar to HPBC, this information would be provided (please see attachment).
That the TSM report and tenant profiles be noted. |
New 30-year housing strategy timetable PDF 136 KB Minutes: The Board considered the HPBC HRA Strategy and Business Plan 2025 – 2055, which is being refreshed. Work is underway with the stock condition survey with 500 tenants being informed that their properties are to be surveyed which will provide up to date information on the stock to inform the capital programme and related financing.
A report will be presented to the next meeting setting out the vision for the housing stock, which will be focused around 3 dimensions; people, profit and planet. Consultation will be taken with tenants around the strategy and vision.
For the HRA, the initial position is one where the finances are balanced, but further work is required around the stock condition survey to ensure that any required financing is in place and cost projections are based on the latest information and condition of the stock.
The timetabling of meetings of the Board was discussed, with it being anticipated that there will be a meeting in May and July with a specific focus to discuss the outcomes of the inspection at the July meeting. The Head of Housing Services provided the Board with information around the upcoming inspection which is taking place on 15/16 May.
That the update be noted.