Browse meetings

Development Control Committee

This page lists the meetings for Development Control Committee. If you wish to view documents for meetings that took place before May 2015 please contact our Democratic Services Team by email ( for High Peak Borough Council meetings or for Staffordshire Moorlands District Council meetings).


Information about Development Control Committee

Has delegated powers from the Full Council to decide on planning applications and planning enforcement.


Members of the public may register to speak for or against planning applications at meetings of the Committee.  A total of 3 minutes is available to speak against an application and a further total of 3 minutes is available to speak for an application.  If more than one person wishes to speak for or against then we ask that the time be shared or a spokesperson be appointed to speak on behalf of everyone.


The agenda for each committee meeting is published 6 working days before the meeting (meetings usually take place on a Monday).  To register to speak at Committee please email or telephone 01298 28400 Ext. 2139 from the date the agenda is published until 5 pm on the Wednesday before the meeting.