It was moved by Councillor Collins and seconded by Councillor Todd that:
Climate Change is an existential threat. Humans have already caused irreversible climate change, the impacts of which are being felt around the world. Global temperatures have increased by 1?C from pre-industrial levels. Atmospheric CO2 levels are above the 400 parts per million (ppm). This far exceeds the 350 ppm deemed to be safe for humanity. Extreme weather events have already caused damage and destruction in this country. Locally the effects of climate change are seen in falling water levels and erratic weather conditions affecting farming and infrastructure. Natural habitats, wildlife and biodiversity are in peril not only from Climate Change but also from human intervention, which in turn is increasing the effects of the climate and biodiversity crises.
Scientists warn that we have little over a decade to implement urgent action to reduce and limit CO2 emissions before we reach a global tipping point. Action is required at international, national and local level to achieve the carbon reduction levels needed. Councils around the world and in UK are responding by declaring a Climate Emergency and committing the resources to address this emergency.
This Council pledges to:
1. Declare a Climate Emergency
2. Make High Peak Borough Council carbon neutral in its internal operations and the services it delivers by 2030, and work with partners to achieve this target across High Peak
3. Call on the UK Government to provide the powers and resources to make the 2030 target possible.
4. Work with partners across the county and region to deliver this new goal through all relevant strategies
5. Work to mitigate the biodiversity crisis in its actions across the Borough
6. To address this emergency, establish a cross-party working group to assist in investigation, prioritisation, drafting and delivery of a plan including targets for CO2 reduction, working with officer support and drawing on wider expertise.
7. To include a cross section of local people in drawing up this plan.
8. To report back to Council by end of March 2020 with this plan
9. Ensure that all Council committees and scrutiny panels consider the impact on climate change and the natural environment when taking decisions and reviewing policies.
10. Review progress against the target and report back every six months.
An amendment was moved by Councillor Ashton and seconded by Councillor Kemp that this Council pledges to:
1. Declare a Climate Emergency
2. Aspire to make High Peak Borough Council carbon neutral in its internal operations and the services it delivers by 2030, and work with partners to achieve this target across High Peak
3. Call on the UK Government to provide the powers and resources to make the 2030 target possible.
4. Work with partners across the county and region to deliver this new goal through all relevant strategies
5. Work to mitigate the biodiversity crisis in its actions across the Borough.
The Council therefore resolves to:
6. Respond to the Climate Change Emergency by working in accordance with the Corporate Plan 2019-23 to put in place practical policies and actions within the control of HPBC including:
· The establishment of a cross-party sub-committee to assist in investigation, prioritisation, drafting and delivery of a strategy, action plan and timetable including targets for CO2 reduction, working with officer support and drawing on wider expertise.
· The inclusion of local residents and businesses chosen in accordance with ‘citizens’ assembly’ principles in drawing up this strategy and plan.
· Ensuring that all Council committees and scrutiny panels consider the impact on climate change and the natural environment when taking decisions and reviewing policies.
· Presenting the proposed strategy, timetable, action plan and monitoring arrangements to Full Council for approval by March 2020.
Following consideration by the Council, with the agreement of Councillor Ashton, the amendment was withdrawn.
A further amendment to revise the original motion was moved by Councillor A. McKeown and seconded by Councillor Ashton as follows:
· The establishment of a cross-party working group to assist in investigation, prioritisation, drafting and delivery of a strategy, action plan and timetable including targets for CO2 reduction, working with officer support and drawing on wider expertise.
· The inclusion of local residents and businesses chosen in accordance with ‘citizens’ assembly’ principles in drawing up this strategy and plan.
When put to the vote, it was RESOLVED accordingly.
Supporting documents: